Daily Archives: Tuesday, December 31, 2013, @ 10:08 am

New Year’s Eve 2013

newyearseveIt’s New Year’s Eve. 2013. It’s over, well almost. I have a few more hours in 2013 to log a few accomplishments, to make up for things I didn’t do, should’ve done, could’ve done, or made excuses because I simply did not do them. Or, I could dwell on the things I did, the things I did well. Instead, I will move forward, trying to remember what Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the German writer and philosopher, wrote long ago:

“Every man has only enough strength to complete those assignments that he is fully convinced are important.”

Goethe, wrote a lot, significantly more than I have, especially in the past year. Like Goethe, I have time for what is important, what is necessary, and what I need to do. Continue reading New Year’s Eve 2013