Day 65: Our last Sunday at the cottage

The fog shrouds the shore on the other side of the lake.

This is our last week at the cottage. It has been a great summer. We can all look back at the summer, smile, and realize that our days have counted. Each day has been a great day, for one reason or another.

For the past few years, this Sunday has marked our return to Wheaton and reality. Not this year, William decided not to play football this year and it means we do not need to be back for evaluations and ‘team selection.’ His decision gives us more time up north and we can visit with Beth’s sister Jill and her two boys: Sam and John. They arrive Monday afternoon and the kids cannot wait to see them. They live in Texas and we do not get to see them except for holidays and briefly during the summer when our paths cross at the cottage. Grandma and Grandpa will be driving up from Ohio Tuesday and it will be a full house, or rather a full cottage.

Sunday started slowly. It was foggy and we could not see across the lake. Gradually the fog burned off and the day improved. Since it is our last week, we needed to clean and pack. We also needed to get ready for our guests to come and clean up a room for the crew from Texas, as well as the Weavers. The kids played with Nick and Kris coming to play Wii – they have been playing the Toy Story 3 game and have really enjoyed it. It has been a nice distraction for Olivia who cannot swim or go in the water at all.

We were not alone in getting ready to leave. The Parks were heading home and it was beginning to get lonely by the time the sun set. By the end of the day, it was the Eberlys and us, left on Lake Shore Drive. The next time we will be up will be for Labor Day and packing the cottage away for the winter. That is always a fun, but sad weekend.

The summer has gone quickly, too quickly. I have accomplished many things this summer but, my ‘to do list’ still has a few items that need work. I remember my goal from the beginning of summer – to make the days count. Today was a great day, with the forecast for tomorrow a million and six times better, making the days count – one day at a time.

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

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