Day 38: Counting….

“We ought to hear at least one little song every day, read a good poem, see a first-rate painting, and if possible speak a few sensible words.”  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I was leafing through a book of quotes and quips and came across the quote above, it made sense and resonated with me.  We all try in some way to make our days count, to make a difference, to be a leader, and to be the change in the world we want to see. Speaking a few sensible words falls into that category, so today I just have a short post.

Today is the 38th day of the school year in my school district. There are one hundred, thirty-four remaining. We are in the final week of the first quarter and grades are due Friday. Actually, there is little for most students to do; for the most part their grades have been accumulating since our first day and what is earned is a reflection of what they have learned, accomplished, and what they have earned. In some way, all thirty-eight of the days have counted for my students, and they have especially counted for me.

The days are counting in more ways than just school. William and Olivia are growing, thriving, and learning in their own right. Beth and I celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary two weeks ago. And I am headed for the last of my forties in a few weeks. And even Ivy makes her days count as she seems to enjoy life even more every day. So, as I count, it is important to remember to continue to make the days count, one day at a time.

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

One thought on “Day 38: Counting….

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