Earlier today, I discovered to my dismay,
I had missed an important day.
I looked down into my screen
to discover what I had missed
National Poem in Your Pocket Day.I didn’t have a poem in my pocket,
It – my pocket that is – was rather empty,
But I smiled, and moved forward,
One foot after the other,
And, made it count, anyway.
Sometimes, a day flashes past or the week disappears before my eyes without me realizing it. This week has been a week full such days. It’s easy to miss a day, it’s not so easy to miss a week. Time waits for no one.However, thanks to Mary (one of my favorite bloggers) from A Wilderness of Words I was reminded about National Poem in Your Pocket Day. Thank you Mary!

The first poem that came to mind was Shel Silverstein’s poem about homework.
The Homework Machine
The Homework Machine,
Oh, the Homework Machine,
Most perfect
contraption that’s ever been seen.
Just put in your homework, then drop in a dime,
Snap on the switch, and in ten seconds’ time,
Your homework comes out, quick and clean as can be.
Here it is— ‘nine plus four?’ and the answer is ‘three.’
Oh me . . .
I guess it’s not as perfect
As I thought it would be.Shel Silverstein (1930-1999)
It seems I am up to my eyeballs in it lately – from assigning, to checking it, to helping with it, to supervising it, and planning it – I’ve had it!
Tomorrow is May 1 – May Day. I checked at Days of the Year dot com and there isn’t a special day worth of not wor really worth celebrating tomorrow, except maybe No Pants Day, which I will skip or Tuba Day which I don’t play, so I’ll move forward to May 6th and NO Homework Day.
I’ll stick Shel’s poem in my pocket for tomorrow to share with my students, for a chuckle. It’ll be a day late, but no penalty for being late. We both need a chuckle and a smile after a week of testing. I’ve been talking trash in regular science and the students are testing their landfills for methane. My advanced science kids are calculating molar masses and they have a short quiz tomorrow – which means I’ll have homework on Friday, due Monday.
May 1 means the end of school is near – there are twenty-five school days left – I honestly don’t know how it happened, but the year will be over before I know it. The days fly past when the calendar hits May and I’ll work like a madman to make each and every one of those days count.
The poem – ‘The Homework Machine’ – is printed and ready. I am as ready for tomorrow as i will ever be and I am ready to close the door on April 30th and step in to May. Today was a great day, even if it flew past me and tomorrow could possibly be a million and six times better. But, I’ll settle for just as good, or twice as good, or even three times as good, but I’d better finish today, before I head up to bed. Making the Day Count, one day at a time, even when I don’t know what day I am celebrating.
What day are you celebrating today – or yesterday – or tomorrow?
HO! I can relate! Just found this on your site. I have a category called “Not My Poetry” and would like to post your original one (Not Shel’s). Would this be okay? I would of course add a link to your site.
Dawn – Certainly, I am honored. Thank you. Have a Happy New Year, may it bring you and your family happiness. Peace.
Twenty five days left! Not that you’re counting. Next year you should definitely wear a kilt on no pants day. Love your poems.
Thank you – a kilt is a good idea, but that would be the day my school principal has NO sense of humor! Maybe I’ll write a poem for it next year! Have a wonderful week.
Oh, Clay, I really like the poem you came up with. It’s perfect and so “you.” Thanks for the shout out, I appreciate it.
I hope your kids like the poem. It’s a nice way to put a little extra smile on the day. Good for you!
They’d love a machine – but i think they’d miss the challenge. Last week, I had a student ask for more problems to solve – he said they were fun. A couple of his classmates gave him ‘the look’ but I agree the problems were engaging and the quiz the kids took Friday proved it – most scored a 100%. Thanks for inspiring me with your poem post – enjoy the week ahead.
What? You’re skipping no pants day? Suck it up – put on a kilt and participate.
I think it’s funny when I see these kinds of posts (national poem in a pocket day). I mean, who comes up with this stuff? It’s clever and cute, but does it warrant a magnitude of being “national?”
And, I really think, in honor of tuba day, you should, at the very least, lug one around for 24 hours. I’m sure you’ll get a whole new appreciation for members of the marching band. That’s why I chose piano; you can’t take it with you.
Have a great May Day, Clay! (There’s my poem and you can put in in your pocket it you wish).
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Actually, Poem in Your Pocket Day began in New York City in 2002 as part of the city’s celebration of National Poetry Month (which is April). “In 2008, the Academy of American Poets took the initiative national, encouraging individuals around the country to join in and channel their inner bard.”
It’s a fun way to explore and/or celebrate poetry.
Indeed – I could’ve thought of other poems I’d like to share, but homework was on my mind. Poetry always makes me think of Children’s Literature professor – Dr. Carl M. Tomlinson – wonderful teacher who taught me more than just kiddie lit. We all have had teachers who made a difference – he was one who made a difference for me. I am glad I read your post. I hope you have wonderful week.
I played the trombone in middle school and gave it up, wish I had stuck with it – bit at that time in my life I didn’t fully appreciate the concept of commitment – I have many regrets from that time period…but as George Bernard Shaw wrote – youth is wasted on the young…. I like the idea of a kilt, but I’m not certain of my principal would appreciate my sense of humor. BTW it is aslo school principal’s day, too. have a wonderful week.
My goodness. ‘No pants day’. Two peoples divided by a common language. It certainly WOULD cause a stir here in the UK 😉
It would’ve caused a stir among my 8th graders, too! George Bernard Shaw was never so accurate… he also said that youth is wasted on the young…if only knew then what I know no… thanks for stopping in – have a wonderful week.