still silent, Stille Nacht

It’s Christmas morning and Fern and I are the only ones awake, really I am the only one awake. Fern is curled up in her favorite chair overlooking the lawn and the lake. It was grandmas favorite spot, though the chair has changed. Grandma passed away a little more
than five years ago but her memory lives on.

our Christmas tree with the reflection of the fireplace in the window… Merry Christmas…

We drove north to the lake Wednesday morning. O drove one car with Fern and B and I took another with Ivy. We’ve spent the last couple of days readying the cottage for Christmas and it looks and feels like Christmas. Snow is gently falling and all is silent on the lake and in the cottage.

This morning I came across a memory and tweeted it….

And I went back and re-read my post about reading the story to my mother-in-law. Please read, if you have time – Stille Nacht. I remember that trip, vividly, it was our last to Ohio for Christmas. It had been our family tradition to be with my wife’s parents on Christmas morning and we had been since we were married in ’91. And now almost 30 years later, her parents have been gone five years now and we’ve struggled with new traditions since, I think we’ve found a place to be for Christmas morning.

Last night after we had finished decorating, B and I went to the only church that offered in-person worship and we arrived, late, but just in time for the closing and the lighting of candles. It was a different church, but as we exited snowflakes gently fell to Earth reminding me of Christmas in Ohio six years ago.

Wishing you and your family the merriest of Christmases and a Happy New Year. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, trying to be light in a very dark world.

Peace on Earth, good will toward men.

Where are you finding your light?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

6 thoughts on “still silent, Stille Nacht

    1. Yes we did have a special time – the lake is a special place for us. I find the peace and serenity of the lake refreshing and it was our first Christmas here at the lake. Another memory… thank you for stopping by and I wish you and your family a very happy new year!

  1. Have a wonderful Christmas in all this beautiful new snow that we got overnight. I’m sitting in the breakfast room full of windows watching the birds and squirrels feast on the seed I put out earlier. The snow is still coming down, though not heavily. Christmas music is playing and I’m thinking about starting some of the dinner preparations. All is peaceful which is the best I can ask for.

    1. thank you…I’ve been bird watching and enjoying the peace and calm of the lake. My wife and daughter are working on a sweet treat and our puppies are dreaming of chasing bunnies and squirrels and whatever lurks in the woods. Today is going to be an amazing day. Peace on Earth and good will toward men.

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