The Can Crush

It’s been over two weeks since I wrote a post. It’s not because I haven’t had ideas. I’ve had loads of ideas and I even started a post last Sunday morning, but I ran out of time. That post died on the vine, it’s no longer relevant.

Since my last post, O has been to her first middle school social. The social was the day after her birthday and she had a wonderful time and could not stop talking about on our way to W’s final regular season football game. We arrived with a minute left in the second quarter to watch the Tigers score a touchdown and take 14-9 lead to the locker room. They needed to win the game to make the playoffs. This is how they did it.

Since then, W’s football team has ripped off two more wins and next weekend play in the state playoff quarterfinals. The team’s first playoff win was in the blinding snow and howling winds on Halloween night with a last minute field goal to tie and a touchdown to win in overtime. The second win was yesterday afternoon – it was a beautiful fall afternoon, perfect for a high school football game.

The day after the Tigers first playoff win; I started my Movember mustache and I am hoping to raise awareness of men’s health issues. This morning, the upper lip feels a little bristly and the ‘stache is beginning to take shape. Last year the ‘stache stayed until May. I don’t know how long it’ll habg oround this year. As for men’s health – if you’re a guy – have you seen your doctor this year? If you haven’t – schedule an appointment, don’t wait until your arm is about to fall off, it’ll be too late then. And, if you’re a gal, has your guy seen a doctor, lately. If not give him a nudge.

I’ve raked leaves, graded papers, and planned science lessons and taught the U. S. Constitution to eighth graders. The days have seemingly melted together.

Last weekend, we decided to drive north and work at the lake for a half day. We left mid-afternoon and arrived just in time to do a bit of walking around and get to bed. We were surprised that a neighbor had cleaned the lilies for us. It’s the same neighbor that came to my rescue last fall. My how grateful we are for wonderful neighbors and our lakeshore community. Sunday morning we woke up to a cold sunny day and it warmed enough to working in shirt-sleeves. We raked and mowed and prepped the cottage for winter – snow shovels down, wood covered, and crawl space vents closed. I am glad we did because it snowed there last night and this morning.

This week we get a sneak peak of what winter will bring with a reappearance of the Polar Vortex.

It’s that time of the year – it’s November. In the life of a teacher, November is choppy – three days of parent teacher conferences, one full day on Election Day with an off day for kids, and two nights from 4:30 to 8:00, then Veterans Day off, and finally, Thanksgiving break to end the month.

I’ve been teaching my advanced science classes about gas laws and we ran a lab in class where I demonstrated the can crush, as well as a couple of other demonstrations. The science behind the can crush is that when the can is heated the water inside the can becomes water vapor – gas. Inside the can, the temperature rises and the pressure decreases. The molecules of air and water vapor are moving around rapidly. When I flip the can and place then open end in the cold water, the can rapidly decompresses because the pressure outside – the regular atmosphere – is greater than the pressure inside the can. Lately, I feel like the can.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I don’t feel older or any wiser than I did last year. I am still having fun teaching kids in my classroom and supporting my own children as they grow.  Most days, they teach me as much as I teach them. It’s a fair trade.

Tuesday is Veterans Day and I’ll be writing again, it’s a special post and one close to my heart. I hope you follow and read the post.

This coming Saturday, W will play another football game – it’s win and they play again. Lose and the season is over and wrestling season begins. I am rooting for a win, but regardless I’ll be in the stands until final gun sounds, regardless of the score.

The sun is shining and it’s gonna be a great day. I can hear the footsteps of the kids upstairs and we’ve got to get out and rake leaves. The leaves fall no matter how much time I have or don’t have. I am glad, because it is a reminder to me that everything keeps moving – for every season under the sun; there is a time and place. So, I’d better get a moving or the day will pass me by – I am jumping up, jumping in, and seizing the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time.

Today, I am going to push back on the can, what about you?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

5 thoughts on “The Can Crush

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