Tuesday’s Tune: A Charlie Brown Christmas

It’s Christmas time. The season is upon us. Christmas will be here in sixteen days. I’ve survived Black Friday – I didn’t shop, or even leave the house.

I was four years old the first time the Charlie Brown Christmas first aired. It was 1965. We were living in Houston. We be there one more Christmas and then, we’d move to Sugar Land where I would grow up. My mom still lives in the house I call home, even though I haven’t lived there for close to thirty years.

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first showing of A Charlie Brown Christmas. The network produced a special 50th anniversary special and then replayed the cartoon. I watched it, again.

A Charlie Brown Christmas is an animated television special based on the comic strip Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz. Produced by Lee Mendelson and directed by Bill Melendez, the program made its debut on CBS on December 9, 1965. In the special, lead character Charlie Brown finds himself depressed despite the onset of the cheerful holiday season. Lucy suggests he direct a school Christmas play, but he is both ignored and mocked by his peers. The story touches on the over-commercialization and secularism of Christmas, and serves to remind viewers of the true meaning of Christmas. (Wikipedia)

Rewind, I can imagine us, my brothers and I, sitting on the couch watching the Christmas special in our jammies. For us, it was in black and white; we wouldn’t get our first color television until 1971. I don’t have a specific memory of watching it, I just know we watched it. Sitting on the couch.

My kids have watched it, too.

A lot has changed since then. I can watch A Charlie Brown Christmas anytime I want – regardless of the season. And, much has stayed the same, A Charlie Brown Christmas was, in a way, a protest show about the commercialization of Christmas.

It bothers me that the Christmas season seemingly begins earlier every year. But, I don’t let it get me down.

A few years ago, I purchased the music from the show and loaded it on my iPhone. I play it as often as I can. I plug in my speakers in my classroom and play it before school starts and sometimes in class when my students are working, no one tires of the tunes. The music is calming and peaceful and it reminds me of the importance of the season.

I remember driving home to Ohio once – I don’t recall when. But, the backseat was in an uproar. My two backseat passengers couldn’t seem to get along, the dog was whining and barking, there was heavy traffic on the road and I popped in the CD. Presto, chango. We listened, whistled softly hummed, and thought of the gift of Christmas.

We won’t be driving to Ohio this Christmas. I am not sure what our plans are, but it will be Christmas. But, wherever we go we will remember the meaning of Christmas.

B has been working on the lights and we got the backyard done this past weekend.

This weekend, we’re going to the zoo for zoo lights and a picture with a reindeer, it’s a family tradition. We tried last Saturday night, changed out mind and walked the outdoor mall, instead. It was lovely.

I’ve been wearing my Christmas ties and the kids love them. I am on day three of the ten days of Christmas ties with seven more to go before Christmas Break.

This evening, I snuck downstairs to my office to grade papers and got an early gift from my students – they nailed a quiz in science – electron configuration.

And now, I am listening to the Vince Guaraldi Trio and the music from A Charlie Brown Christmas and writing this post.

I know it’s Wednesday, and close to Thursday for my Tuesday’s Tune. I am late and behind this week and digging myself out. . I have two guest posts lined up for the next two Tuesday’s Tunes on 12/16 and 12/23.

It has been a great day, and tomorrow could be a million and six times better. Regardless, I have today or what’s left of it. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, even when counting the days means one day closer to Christmas.

What gives you the Christmas spirit?


About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

5 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Tune: A Charlie Brown Christmas

  1. I grew up watching all the Charlie Brown holiday specials. They’re classic, and I hope that this generation growing up now loves them as much. The music is noting short of spectacular; it just sounds like Christmas to me. I hear the first few notes and know right away — Charlie Brown.

    Hope you have a beautiful and merry Christmas, Clay!

  2. Ha! I’d love to see you in your succession of Christmas ties! Charlie Brown’s not as big here as he is with you all. He tends to be seen in strip cartoons here, so we don’t get the bigger picture you seem to have access to. Glad you’re getting into the spirit of Christmas!

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