W^2 –moon, calm

W^2 or W squared for Wordless Wednesday, May 18, 2022

sunset on the lake, waxing moon, calm. Lake Margrethe, Grayling, MI Saturday, May 14, 2022 8:59 PM EDT

This week for my W^2 post, the calm after the storm.

This past weekend I asked my wife I made a quick trip to the lake and back. Up late Friday afternoon and home late Sunday night.

We had chores to do, and I was looking for a bit of calm as the school year winds (and grinds) to a finish. As in my previous post, W^2 – beauty and the beast, weather intervened. The skies opened and a thunderstorm rolled across the lake bringing hail and almost an inch and half of rain in about thirty minutes.

Once the storm passes, the skies cleared and there was calm. Calm enough to sit at the end of the dock and admire the sunset or flip the other way and admire the moon rise.

It was an excellent weekend, and I got a taste of summer, early. We also got the calm we needed and craved.

It is Wednesday, the middle of the week and there are as I sit and type ten more days of school this year and then it is summer. Today and I going to try and convince my 6th graders that there is a lot of space in the atmosphere for air particles (aka atoms and molecules) to move and I hope it provides the calm they need to weather the final days of the year. I know it is going to be going to be a great day. I know it and I can feel it, so I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, making the most of every day and trying to compress learning just like air particles can be compressed.

What brings you a little calm these days?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

3 thoughts on “W^2 –moon, calm

  1. Hang in there. I know the last days of school are crazy. As are most of the others I suppose. You will have earned your few weeks off! What brings me calm? Walking in the woods. Sitting near water. Taking a nap. Sleeping in my tent, even if it’s only in the back yard.

    1. Thank you. I enjoy walking through the woods, too. But Sunday I sat outside and worked on paperwork and watched the birds at the feeders. that is calming and peaceful. I even heard the brrrrrr of a hummingbird coning to feed at the feeder nearest my outdoor workspace. thank you for stopping in and as of today, it’s five. Peace.

  2. My days could be much calmer. I’m suffering from hayfever, pollen, all kinds of odours (perfume, flowers, grass, cut grass especially, etc.) , I’m looking after my nearly 99yrs old auntie who is recovering from a v.heavy accident beginning of March, so calm is coming at a premium. BUT I’m a happy person all the same, only not a very calm one. Enjoying – (and suffering from) the beautiful weather, the biting moscitoes, the outdoor eating, the friendly neighbours and friends dropping in!

Thanks for visiting MtDC. How are YOU Making YOUR Days Count?