Math Day


Nine plus seven equals sixteen.

Today is Wednesday, September 7, 2016. I am certain momentous events have occurred on this day: marriages, births, deaths, and so much more that is meaningful in our lives as we track the slow passing of time, making each day count.

I have always been fascinated with numbers and ‘created’ math days when the alignment of the month, day, and year created a math equation. In today’s case it is an addition problem. This year there are fifteen math days – twelve addition days and three multiplication days, if you were wondering.

This year, I teach U. S. History and science to eighth graders. I don’t teach math and it’s the only CORE subject I have not taught in my teaching career. I’ll point out the date to my eighth graders and they’ll note it, then we’ll move on. It’s an interesting way to look at the day, another way to count the day, while making the days count.

It’s the tenth school day of the year and the days are passing quickly. I am enjoying the group of students and know all of their names with confidence – all eighty-six of them.

Yesterday, I sent home a note apologizing for forgetting to send the school picture forms home on Friday, and again Tuesday – picture day is tomorrow, Thursday – and got a nice reply from a parent passing on some good news. The note made my day, it might be enough to make two days, I’ll keep you posted.

Speaking of math, things have been multiplying here at home. A couple of weeks ago I mentioned in a post Ivy was fixated on a critter that had burrowed under the deck. O had found grandpa’s old trap in the garage and set it, hoping to catch something. She did. Two weeks ago this Friday, I let Ivy outside and she found the critter trapped inside the wire cage – a skunk – and got blasted. The whole house reeked for a day or two. B was NOT pleased. I called an animal control company and they came out removed the skunk and set two more traps. Almost a week late, we got another skunk, and yet another skunk was waiting in a trap when we returned Monday evening. THREE SKUNKS.

The scene of the ‘crime’ is below.

Ivy begs for more 'outside' time..."Please, can I stay outside?", the expression on her face seems to say
Ivy begs for more ‘outside’ time…”Please, can I stay outside?”, the expression on her face seems to say

I checked this morning and the traps were empty. For Ivy’s sake, I hope we stop catching them, she’s been on a short leash since the incident.

And speaking of a short leash, the school year is in full swing and my blogging time – writing and reading – is significantly reduced. It’s not that I don’t have ideas or want to read, I am short on time. And if I don’t get moving this morning, the day will pass me by. It’s gonna be a great day, I know it and I can feel it so I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, one math equation, one history story, and one science discovery at a time.

How are you counting your days?

In case you were wondering here are the math days for 2016.

January 16
1 x 16 = 16
February 8
2  x  8  = 16
February 14
2 + 14 = 16
March 13
3 + 13 = 16
April 12
4 + 12 = 16
May 11
5 + 11 = 16
June 10
6 + 10 = 16
July 7
7 + 9  = 16
August 2
8  x  2  = 16
August 8
8 + 8 = 16
September 7
9  + 7 = 16
October 6
10 + 6 = 16
November 5
11 + 5 = 16
December 4
12 + 4 = 1

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

5 thoughts on “Math Day

    1. Thanks – we can let her run free during the day, but in the evening and night she needs to be on the tether. We had an animal move the trap last night and had all of the bait taken. But skunks are sort of like mosquitos – annoying but part of the ecosystem. Right now skunks are moving all over the place at night. Regardless – It’s gonna be a great day!

    2. Me too, we can let her patrol in daylight but she’s on a tight leash when it gets dark. We’ve had the traps disturbed the last couple of nights and the animal control folks came out yesterday to reset and re-bait and we now have a fourth. Must’ve been a family. Oh my.

  1. I love that you took the time to find all of the applicable “math” days. That’s pretty cool. And so, so sorry about the skunk. My poor boy got blasted by a baby skunk about 4 years ago. He was so sick for a couple of days, too. Unfortunately for him, he had to sleep in the laundry room until the smell went away.

    Happy school days! Looking forward to the blogs even though they be fewer than normal. That’s what happens.

    Patricia RIckrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. Thank you for stopping in – I realized after your comment, I had made an error April 4, 2016 is another multiplication day! I don’t know how I missed it. Tomorrow is Friday and it will be finished before I know it! Enjoy your weekend.

Thanks for visiting MtDC. How are YOU Making YOUR Days Count?