a new window

lkewindowcrop_edited-1I am up north, again. I drove up late Wednesday night with Ivy. She was a good passenger and rode quietly in the back seat. She’s still sleeping like everyone else and it is quiet here. I can look out through a new window this morning and see the lake, the boats, and the breeze blowing making the lake choppy and rustling the trees.

B and O drove up early Tuesday and I would have come but I waited to make sure the Bagster as picked up and gone. The Bagster was the bag of a dumpster we had purchased to put the basement walls in while we ripped it out. It had been sitting in the driveway for a few weeks and after W and I had finished our work ripping out the back wall last Friday, it was full. I was worried for a few reasons. The first was that the driver would not be able to get the bag because it was too close to trees – we have a lot of trees in front and in back. They are blessings and curses, at different times. Second, I was worried it was too heavy and I had overloaded it. It was bursting at the seams. The final reason was that I wanted to make sure it was gone and we wouldn’t have it sitting in the driveway while we finished the summer at the lake. We had a three day-window for pick up beginning with Monday. Monday passed, Tuesday passed, and finally on Wednesday the truck arrived. The driver hooked the bag and had it loaded in minutes. I laughed and shared my worries with the driver after he picked it up, he just smiled and replied, “I am a professional!’ chuckled and was gone and with him most of the basement; and I was gone a few hours later, headed north.

the bagster is hooked, lifted and gone....
the bagster is hooked, lifted and gone….

Yesterday was a blur. B and I were busy inside. It’s hot and gross outside, but we are at the lake and even hot gross days are great days. O took Ivy swimming in the morning and B and O went in the late afternoon and left Ivy on dry land. B and I stayed busy most of the day cleaning and organizing. We switched out the storage closet shelving with a new one by Elfa, imported all the way from Chicago. The garage is on the list today and a few other chores. It is always something, even away at the lake.

This past Monday marked five weeks before school starts, at least for me, and most of this week has screamed past. I got a couple of e-mails this week reminding me my carefree time is short. It has been a great summer so far and I have made the days count in different ways – an iPad, listening to the Reds and rediscovering baseball on the radio, learning to play Gin, making strawberry jam, and so many other ways.

Today is going to be a great day. I know it. It will be busy and full, it always is. So, I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Today is gonna be a great day. I know it and I can feel it. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, daydreaming, working, reading, and living – most of the time all at once.

What is on your plate today? What will make your day count?

a new window, a new way of looking at the world
a new way of looking at the world



About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

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