Sparks fly

The song begins….

There’s 104 days of summer vacation
Till school comes along just to end it
So the annual problem for our generation
Is finding a good way to spend it
“Today is gonna be a great day” – Bowling for Soup

I’ve been finding all sorts of ways to spend it: playing, campfires, s’mores, water sports, fireworks, driving, remembering, visiting, learning, thinking, writing, and so many more. This morning, grandma heads home. I’ll be driving her halfway home to meet my nephew who’ll get her all the way home. It’s been a great visit, it’s been nice to see her and I think she had a good time, I know we did.

At last night’s campfire the ‘sparks flew’ and I captured a slice of summer.

the campfire, the lake, the moon, and 'sparks fly'
the campfire, the lake, the moon, and ‘sparks fly’

There’ve been so many days this summer and though I wish we had 104, I don’t think I could have used them any better than I have. The chorus repeats…..

And the forecast says that tomorrow will likely be
A million and six times better

So make every minute count
Jump up, jump in and seize the day
And let’s make sure that in every single possible way
Today is gonna to be a great day
“Today is gonna be a great day” – Bowling for Soup

Today is gonna be a great day, I know it and I can feel it, so I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, because all it take is one spark.

How have you made the ‘sparks fly’ this summer?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

14 thoughts on “Sparks fly

  1. Not sure if you’re familiar with the Disney cartoon, Phineus and Ferb, but that’s their theme song! So funny to read this post right now, because, in the other room I can hear it as my kids are watching that show, lol.

    I’ve been loving this summer vaca. We didn’t plan anything, no camps, nuttin’. It’s been wonderful not having to really be anywhere every single day.

    Alas, school is just around the corner. Still makes me mad that we have to start in August!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer!!

    1. Kate – most of the time I like that show… Phineas and Ferb are funny and get in to the kind of adventures I wish all kids would enjoy… playing, imagining, exploring… that is actually why I use that tag at the end of every post. It showed up in my very first post – that was a million years ago, or seems so……the kids who taught me that year are seniors this year, hard to believe… but we all grow up or move towards being grown up. My oldest is a junior in high school so his schedule drives us – sports, boy scouts, etc…. enjoy the unstructured summer while you can.. As for August….we have to start some time.. this morning was my son’s first day of varsity football… it won’t end until late October, or if the coach gets his wish – Thanksgiving weekend… gotta enjoy those summer days as much as you can! Have a great week!

    1. thank you for stopping in…. I enjoyed reading your post about shaking frogs…I teach kids – middle school kids – adolescents – it’s fun, most of the time. Summer is a special time of the year to get away relax, enjoy time with family, and recharge. Campfires and s’mores are just icing on the cake. Have a great week!

  2. Today is going to be a great day. And tomorrow even better. I like your attitude, Clay!

    Enjoy the rest of your summer break. Kids (and teachers) in my neck of the woods go back to school next week. Seems awfully early to me, but at least it doesn’t affect me, except for having to stop for the bus again.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. beautiful summer days are the best, gotta use ’em to their fullest when you have them! My first day back is 8/21, with kids 8/25 – it’ll be here quickly. Looking forward to a great year. keep an eye out for that bus!

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