It’s late July, and it’s that time of the year. Back to school. O and I were out shopping today and stores are in full swing with their back to school shopping sales. I read Jen H.’s Weekly Photo Challenge post and I certainly identify with her, I love school supplies and office supplies. School is around the corner; 24 days and counting for my colleagues and I.

Summer break has been satisfying, though I feel my bathroom scale is lying to me. Perhaps, summer has been too satisfying. O and I returned Tuesday morning for marching band camp. B and Ivy remained Up North by the lake. B’s awaiting her sister and her son – our nephew – who arrives later today. O and I will be back for the weekend. We’re both excited to see them and have fun at the lake. This weekend is race weekend and there will be fun by and on the lake, then fun as spectators watching the canoe race. And who knows what else we will find to do. It will be a great weekend.
At this point during summer break, I begin to panic. Usually, it’s where did summer go? Not this summer, it’s been largely a summer full of satisfaction. I read the week’s photo challenge and as always, it’s wide open. I checked the meaning of satisfaction and Merriam and Webster define satisfaction as:
2a: fulfillment of a need or want
2b: the quality or state of being satisfied: CONTENTMENT
2c: a source or means of enjoyment: GRATIFICATION
Summer break comes along at the perfect time in the school year for kids and adults. The learning and growing and teaching that happens requires a great deal of mental energy and by year’s end we’re both exhausted. This summer has had the right amount of contentment, perhaps according to my scale, a tad more contentment.

Last weekend, we had guests at the lake. We had fun together. Friday evening, we took a boat ride and caught the sunset. For me, there is nothing as satisfying as a sunset over water. Saturday, we explored, and Sunday we relaxed. By Monday evening our guests had departed and it was just us – B, O, Ivy, and me. Monday evening, we took in the sunset as it the day finished, again. I never tire of watching the sun set over the lake. O captained the boat and took some photos, too. I especially like one of her photos of me.
There are 24 days of summer remaining to make count. This weekend’s trip to the lake is short, we’re back Monday for band camp and getting ready for school. I have a list and more to do’s than I care to admit, O has a math packet and a book to read, and well….. we’ll finish the summer strong and make each and every day count, one way or another. We’ll bottle the sunset and bring home memories.
Today has been a great day and there is more to squeeze out of Thursday before I can call it done and complete. So, I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize what remains of today. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, with complete satisfaction.
How has summer left you feeling satisfied?
Today’s post is inspired by this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Satisfaction. This week, share a photo of something that brings you satisfaction. It can be monumental, minor, or something in between. We can’t wait to see your contributions.
Wow, what a beautiful sunset capture! 24 days, counting down…
Thank you. I am down to 16, but who’s counting? – working to make each and every one of them count.
Down to 16 already?
Yes, indeed time flies, especially in the summer, especially when there are amazing sunsets. that’s why it’s important to bottle the sunshine and keep it for those days when the going is tough.
“to bottle the sunshine and keep it for…” Great advice, Clay! Thank you so much. 🙂
I love your lake photos. It looks so peaceful.
Happy almost back to school!
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Lovely shots and especially the title of your post.
thank you – I tried something different with the post title this time – will keep working at it. took in another lake sunset Friday night and it was beautiful, but different. Sunsets and sunrises are never the same. They are unique and magnificent in their own way. Thanks for stopping in and have a great Sunday.
Exactly! That is what gets me up early every morning. I cannot wait to see another sunrise.
Thank you – my sentiments exactly. At home the sun rises and I see the results not the act, it’s only when we are away at the lake when I can see the sunset clearly. the sunrises behind the cottage in the forest and I watch the sun creep across the lake and toward the cottage in the morning. It’s a delight. The same happens here, at home, the sun rises and isn’t visible until well after sunrise. The sun rising and setting is a sight to behold. Thanks for stopping by and have a terrific Tuesday. Peace.
Summer? What summer? Though at least here in England it’s only just begun for the schoolchildren.