It’s April and we are at the lake for a short weekend getaway. My wife picked me up Friday after school and we drove up as day turned to night arriving before midnight. We will leave later this afternoon. Instead of chores I am writing a post, which was supposed to be a quick post.

yesterday evening’s sunset… they are never the same… created with Adobe Express

It all started in 2010 and it is difficult to believe I am still writing (and posting) at MtDC after all these years, but I am.

Last year, before school let out for the summer, I signed up for a professional development class hosted by Adobe for their new dynamic content creation software, Adobe Express. I’ve been using it to edit and create since; almost entirely on my phone where I take all my photos. There are desktop and mobile versions of the software, but they weren’t the same and frankly I preferred the mobile app for its convenience, but that changed Friday morning.

Sometimes, learning is difficult.

It’s been a couple of days of figuring things out. I’ve tinkered a little and used it to create a couple of images learning as I go.

When I started writing and posting, I wanted a logo that fit what I was doing. I created my first logo in 2010 and it stuck around until 2014. I changed it again in 2016 and it has been the site icon since.

Earlier this month I was tinkering with Adobe Express and created a new logo, the above logo. A couple of weeks ago I added it to WordPress as my site icon and planned to write a post but didn’t. This morning, I changed all my social media to the icon.

created 2024

So, here’s the post, a debut of sorts.

Here is image I tinkered with to create the logo.

a total ‘eclipse’ of the sun by my head. Loaves and Fishes parking lot, Saturday April 6, 2024 11:44 AM

I have lots to write about especially about yesterday’s adventures and maybe today’s; and certainly, tomorrow’s. A couple of Tuesday’s Tunes, it’s baseball season and I’ll be attending my first game of the season Tuesday. I baseball trip planned for California in early June and a couple others to make it 30 for 30. Summer is less thirty school days away, but who’s counting when your aim is to make the days count.

Today is going to be an amazing day, a million and six times better than yesterday. So, I’d better jump up, jump in, and publish this post so I can do what we drove up here to do. Making the days Count, one day at a time, learning and growing as I go along.

What’s is one thing you’ve learned or been forced to learn lately?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

3 thoughts on “MtDC…

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