Week 2: Recap and MtDC!

Olivia with our friend Adam - on the track rooting on the Tigers!

The week went quickly. Monday, Tuesday were over before I knew it. Hump day – Wednesday arrived and passed, then Thursday and finally Friday. It was the week before Labor Day and we (me, my family, and my students) all had something to look forward to, a three-day weekend, or if you are my students a four-day weekend because we have an in-service day Tuesday.

Thinking back it is all a blur; the five days blended together to seemingly form one long day. The weather was warm and humid to begin the week. It started the last Sunday in August with a tie for the hottest day of the summer and a high temperature of 94 and dew points in the seventies making it seem hotter than the mercury showed.   

Monday seemed warmer, especially at school where the air conditioning was broken. The air was hot, thick, and oppressive inside the building – even hotter in the afternoon when my class meets upstairs. In an age where school buildings are built with air conditioning in mind, there are few windows; and on days when they are in need like Monday, and again Tuesday, opening a window is like cracking your car window an inch while driving down the highway. It lets in only a small amount of fresh air and does not change the temperature at all. The air conditioning was repaired by midmorning Tuesday and the building became comfortable by noon. I stayed late Tuesday and worked, catching up on paperwork and sorting through papers and organizing my language arts classes letters to their seventh grade teacher, me. William had scouts Tuesday night and Beth went with him to roll out the wreath sale fundraiser. She did a fine job last year and is heading up the campaign again this year, though I am not sure about next year. Troop politics, even in boy scouts. I stayed home with Olivia and we were both fast asleep when they came home.

Wednesday and the middle of the week came and went. Thursday was upon us before we knew it. William had decided to forgo football this year and joined the cross-country team. Though he is not a runner, he is determined and that trait overcomes natural born talent than any trait I know. Is see it every day – hard work beats talent every day, all the time. William’s first cross-country meet was Thursday afternoon and I took off after school to be there to watch and cheer. There were four races and William’s was second. Seventh graders run a mile and half and until the joined William had not run further than a mile and only because it was required in gym class.

Millions of years ago, or so it seems, I ran for exercise but that was before I gained weight and now it just is not a good idea because of my weight. I cross-country in my freshman year in high school and was not much of a runner, I did not like to practice (who does) and the team did not have structured practice Therefore I did not practice and was not ready for meets. My career was short – tow races, last which, I did not finish and I never went back.  In late high school and college, I ran and worked at the Athlete’s Foot an athletic foot ware retailer. I ran in spurts and never seemed to make it part of my lifestyle, even today I still struggle with fitness, I start a program and then after a short period I stop and it fizzles.

William has really grown this past year, from swimming a mile, to canoeing the Ausable, to this fall’s adventure – cross-country. William’s race began and he took off; he wasn’t the fastest, but it was his first race. He passed us towards the back of the pack. We cheered him on and every other runner especially those wearing the purple and white of Hubble. William kept a steady pace, passing a few runners and finishing in 51st place. William was very happy with his finish and set a goal to improve for his next meet, Tuesday 9/7. We will be cheering him and his teammates on to great year.

Friday came bringing the week to an end. The school day went quickly and I headed home as soon as the traffic cleared around my school to make the Wheaton Tiger football game. I got home and peddled to Grange Field only a few minutes into the first quarter. Olivia was dressed as a tiger and William had his tiger wear on, too. The Tigers played very well and won easily 44-7. They outplayed Maine South in every way, all game long and Maine South scored late in the fourth quarter to end a shutout.

We had planned to drive to Michigan after the game and had we not gone to the game we would already be on the road. However, instead we decided to stay home and drive up early Saturday morning. The decision gave us all time to get a good night’s sleep and avoid a long painful drive with exhausted kids (and parents). It also gave us time to get William some proper running shoes.

The week ended and we headed to the cottage early Saturday morning driving into the sunrise. It had been a good week and there were all sorts of opportunities to count the days, but instead we made the days count. Still, making the days count – one day at a time.

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

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