a frigid Monday morning

It’s cold outside, that’s why I am inside sitting at my desk in the basement. Yesterday, O, my favorite daughter, and I braved the elements and took off for the big city. She wanted to take the train in and I opted for the car. It was a good choice.

a Chicago selfie – it’s colder than it looks, the lake is frozen along the shoreline

Saturday morning, she came downstairs to the basement and plopped down in the chair beside my desk proclaiming she an adventure and trip to the city. She wanted to visit the Shedd Aquarium and after listening to her plea, I decided Saturday wasn’t the day to go – I had too much to do and she didn’t ask until almost noon, too late to drive into the city. So instead, we planned and plotted for a trip Sunday.

Sunday was a beautiful sunny day even if temperatures hovered near zero.

a Revolutionary War hero - Polish born Tadeusz Kościuszko
a Revolutionary War hero – Polish born Tadeusz Kościuszko

This morning it’s -1 F, or -17C; yesterday it was a five degrees warmer when we drove in to the city. It was still cold. The National Weather Service has issued a wind chill weather advisory for today because it feels like -21 F, or -30 C, and that is fine with me it’s safer and easier to stay inside and take care of business. I still have a lot to do.

Traffic was light on the expressway and the biggest hurdle was finding a parking spot close to the aquarium. We arrived just as another family was leaving and we took their spot.

It was a short walk to the aquarium but the cold and the wind in our faces made it seem longer than it was. The return trip seemed shorter a few hours later.

The Caribbean Reef exhibit
The Caribbean Reef exhibit

We had a good time. We both took pictures and took in the exhibits. O surprised me with her patience as she read about the exhibits as she passed them. We started with the Caribbean Reef and watched the diver feed the fish. The Caribbean Reef is in the center of the aquarium and in the rotunda with rooms shooting off like spokes of a wheel. Several years ago when we were in Florida, O and I visited the Turtle Hospital in Marathon. It was there we learned about the dangers sea turtles face as the human world intersects with the natural world. One of the biggest dangers to turtles are boat strikes. The boat strike isn’t always fatal, but it renders the turtle unable to dive as it creates an air bubble between the shell and turtle’ body. O and I watched as ‘Nickel,’ the Shedd’s green turtle, paddle around the aquarium with her rear pointing to the surface. O remembered our visit.

waiting for the aquatic show - lake Michigan and the Adler Planetarium in the background
waiting for the aquatic show – lake Michigan and the Adler Planetarium in the background

We took in several more exhibits and watched the aquatic show in the main aquarium facing Lake Michigan.

It was a day well spent with O and we finished the trip with dinner at a burger joint – the Shake Shack. We both enjoyed our dinner and talked about our trip to the city. Her favorite exhibit was the aquatic show and I didn’t have a favorite – just time spent with my favorite daughter. We ordered burgers and shakes to go for B and W – my wife and my son, my favorite son, I might add.

We arrived home with plenty of time before Downton Abbey – episode three came on. B and W enjoyed their burgers and shakes while O and I shared our day in the city. I was able to stay awake long enough to watch Downton Abbey, but fell asleep watching the next show, Mercy Street.

Yesterday was a good day but, today could be a million and six times better. So, I had better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, one moment, one day, one trip.

How is the weather for your Monday?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

12 thoughts on “a frigid Monday morning

    1. It was indeed. Thanks for stopping in. Last week was a full week – a sort of working Jonas, if you know what I mean. I hope you and your family are safe and well – enjoy the snow and marvel at the wonder of the world. Have a great week.

  1. Not quite so cold here in Rhode Island — 25 degrees F with wind factor making it 16 degrees F. Got our first real snow last night, but even that left an inch and a half on the ground. I’m fine with that.

    I love you have a “favorite” daughter and a “favorite” son. They are fortunate children, those favorites.

    Have a great week.

    1. Thank you Mary. Last week was a busy week and I did not engage in anything other than school and family. I’ve seen your posts on FB and I hope you are enjoying the snow and you found that PB cookie recipe.Have a great week and enjoy the snow.

    1. It’s warmed – today it is -2. We missed the big storm that pounded DC and NYC. It was cold, but we both knew it would be warmer in the car and at home. It was a good week and the week ahead looks promising. Thanks for stopping in – have a great week.

Thanks for visiting MtDC. How are YOU Making YOUR Days Count?