new horizons: a photo challenge

Sunday morning. It’s cold outside and we’re between snows – yesterday afternoon it began to gently snow as we were finishing our outdoor Christmas decorations. This morning when I woke the eastern sky was cloudy and grey and the sun’s light struggled to dimly awaken the world to a new day.

my first peek outside – the window beside my bed…

We’re 14 days from Christmas morning and 21 days from New Year’s morning. A new horizon and a new year. Somehow, the past 345 days have been a blur.

Friday the buzz at school was the weather forecast for the weekend – a snowstorm. Students and a few faculty were all abuzz about the possibility of a snow day. Sadly (for them) there isn’t enough snow and this afternoon’s snow will not be enough to warrant the calling off of school. So, I hope they do their homework. I am going to do mine – grade papers, plan lessons, and think of interesting questions to ask my history students about the coming civil war.

There are nine (9) more school days left in this half of the school year and my students are itching for the break. It’ll be here before they know it, and the break – will be gone in a flash. And then, the downward slide to finish the year and a new horizon – high school.

I’ll remind myself it’s important to keep an eye to the horizon, but I need my hands firmly on the wheel.

In the meantime, I look forward to tomorrow, the next day, and the days ahead, but I’ll continue to work to make each day count for them, and for me.

the view out the kitchen window and the west…

Today is gonna be a great day. Yesterday I moved mountains (figuratively) and today, I plan to smooth and groom the landscape in addition to shoveling some snow. It will be great, I know it and I can feel it.  So, I’d better jump up and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, keeping my eyes on the horizon, but my hands firmly on the wheel.

What is on your horizon?

Oh, and BTW (by the way) my daughter O is in that group that is looking at the horizon of high school – I think she’ll be ready. Today’s post is inspired by this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: New Horizons. This week, we’re challenging you to think ahead and show your work in a representative photo. If you set New Year’s resolutions, give them some thought a few weeks early. If resolutions aren’t your style, show us something that you want to achieve — it could be setting a new goal, making plans, or even tackling that pile of laundry waiting by the washer. The goal is to get out of the busy “now,” and imagine your new horizon. Go!

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

3 thoughts on “new horizons: a photo challenge

  1. I like your take on New Horizons. I’m glad I too have got involved with the weekly photo challenge. Isn’t it interesting how many takes there are on the same subject? OK, best stop reading my comments. Get out there and do some snow shovelling 😉

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