It’s a beautiful Saturday morning on the deck. The birds are singing, there is a gentle breeze rustling through the trees, and the sun is shining brightly. AND, I’ve decided to stay home and not fly to Seattle.

My professional development modelling physics class finished yesterday. Our final topic was energy or rather ways to teach energy through modelling. By modelling, I mean to develop a mathematical model to show energy in a system. I’ll stop there because this is the point where I ran out of energy and went in to conserve mode. After ten days of class I was mentally exhausted. Seven hours of class and then homework left me spent.
Friday after class, I went to lunch with a few of my colleagues – teachers from my school whom had taken modelling courses at the same seminar – there were three other classes being taught at the same time and five teachers (including me) from my school had enrolled in classes. We all agreed it had been a rewarding and exhausting experience. We spent most of our lunch talking about what we planned to do with the remainder of our summer break – more classes and seminars mixed in with vacation time. One of the teachers mentioned she was heading to Seattle to visit a friend, another was visiting family in Wisconsin, and still another was going to concerts this weekend. Lunch ended and we separated to finish our Friday afternoon and begin the rest of our summer break.
I had decided to stay home this weekend. I could’ve gone north to the lake – B and O (and Ivy) are there now. I decided to stay home and tackle some of those things I tend to avoid because I simply don’t enjoy doing them – there necessary, but not fun. DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee I’ll actually accomplish anything, but there is the chance something productive may occur.
I spent rest of Friday afternoon running errands before a I had a chiropractor appointment to straighten me out. On my way home from the chiropractor I stopped to fill up my tank and opted to purchase a lottery ticket, actually two tickets – Mega Millions and Powerball. The six-dollar investment is equal to drink at a bar with a tip, maybe… but the dream of winning – even if it is for only a moment – is worth the purchase price.

The Houston Astros are in Seattle for a three-game series. I figured if I won the Mega Millions drawing (a jackpot of $134 million) I could catch a flight to Seattle, watch tonight’s game, and be home Sunday afternoon to enjoy the rest of the weekend. But I didn’t win, NOT A SINGLE NUMBER. I am not worried, I have a backup plan, I have could win tonight’s Powerball drawing and catch Sunday’s afternoon’s game and be back Monday. It’s not likely I’ll be Seattle tomorrow either, but it’s a whimsical dream and enough to distract from me from while I pull weeds or clean off my desk or whatever the day brings.
Regardless, the Astros lost last night 13-3, but it is a long season and the Astros are 50-25 overall with the best record in the league. They’ve gone 12-8 in the month of June. But there are 87 games remaining on the schedule and championships are not won in the first part of the season, but over the long haul. It’s not likely I’ll win tonight’s drawing, either but the thought will give me something to think about as I go about today’s chores. I’ve got a backup plan.
That is what dreams are for. Today is gonna be a great day, it already is. I am up and moving, so I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days count, one day at a time, one dream, one chore, all jumbled together.
Have you ever purchased a lottery ticket and dreamt? What was your dream?
Hi, Clay. I love your disclaimer. 🙂 My dream is to travel a lot and write full-time. I think I can do both…or at least I’ll try!
Thank you for the smile. Life is full of disclaimers and fine print – last night’s ticket – one number. I am improving, sort of. I like your dream – I’ll be travelling this weekend and I’ll get to write, too.
Bummer on the lottery tickets. Not even 1 number? That’s discouraging to say the least.
I’m glad you had a back-up plan though. That’s always a good idea.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend no matter what you end up doing. It’s a good day to do nothing too and sometimes that the best time spent.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
I am not completely serious… but I do purchase 2 each Mega and Powerball… a couple of weeks ago I had two winners back to back – won $4 bucks on each ticket and reinvested – not a single number. But, hey I don;t visit the bars and if I did, I’d spend more than $6 bucks a drink… just sayin.’ The weekend went past quickly and got a few things done, but not enough – that’s why there are 54 days left in my summer break. Gonna carve off a couple today, I think. Have a great week and the Forth is a comin’
So. Have all those chores got done? Whether they have or not, you’ll have ticked at least some off your list, and I hope had a great day in your own company.
Oh thank you! The day is still young and I am wrestling with the FINAL form of my Summer 2017 goals. So much to do, so I must do what is most important or seems to be most important at the time. It’s gonna be a great day – have a fabulous day yourself.
Sometimes just staying at home is really making the day count. I believe every day lived in the moment is a day worth counting. I enjoyed this post 🙂 Have a great day!
thank you and thanks for stopping in – Seattle did appear tempting – but I’ll watch on MLB tv at the end of the day after I’ve I accomplished great things, MLB TV is cheaper than a plane ticket but not the same as being at the ballpark. It’s gonna be a great day – have a great day and thanks for stopping in and leaving your thoughts. Peace.