W^2 – sweet tango

W^2 or W squared for Wordless Wednesday September 9, 2020

a sweet tango apple plucked from sweet tango apples packed for sale in pecks, ½ pecks, and ¼ pecks Casnovia, Michigan – Monday September 7, 2020 – 2:19 PM

What fruits are ripening where you live?

4 thoughts on “W^2 – sweet tango

    1. we found Snappy Apple farm several years ago trying to avoid snarled traffic on 131 south. This year traffic was no better and we hopped off the expressway and took back roads. It backfired on me and I got caught for almost an hour at a busy intersection and a stop sign behind other cars who had the same idea as I had…. the stop for apples, cider, and fresh apple cider donuts was worth the time. Sometimes you have to slow down and take a differnt route. Peace.

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