W^2 or W squared for Wordless Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The past few weeks have been cold and snowy. We’ve had out days with brilliant sunshine, but the land is covered in several inches of packed snow. Yesterday, it was above freezing, and it felt warm even though it was 40F or 5C. It was warm enough for a walk in the afternoon and it was refreshing. I spied this tree reaching for the sky. There is beauty and peace in the world, especially on a late February afternoon. Making the Days COUNT, one day at a time, finding beauty and peace everywhere I look.
Where are you finding your peace these days in late winter?
Oh, like you in the Great Outdoors. I think our snow is over for the year now, but who knows? But buds and shoots are starting to appear .. and birdsong. It could be worse!
You are a bit warmer than we are, but I think the snow is on its way out. We may get more, but it won’t last. yesterday morning I heard the birds singing in the early morning light and my heart went a pitter-patter! Stay well, safe, and keep moving. Peace.
I’m finding peace walking on the beach at Gulf Shores. I’m here for 2 days, then back to the lake house in Dadeville AL for a week or so, then headed back home to Michigan. I’m sure there will still be snow there.
Tuesday’s walk was incredibly peaceful. i passed a few others who had the same idea I had and we smiled and made eye contact as if to say – peace be with you. Enjoy your days in the south, spring is on the way. Peace.