It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write or even craft a Wordless Wednesday post. I’ve thought about it, but also thought about all the other things that are on my plate and in line on front of writing and posting. I even had a photograph selected for the 9/15 – W^2 post, but skipped it to accomplish something more important and more urgent.

I’ve been overwhelmed with school and life and just haven’t made time to simply reply to the comments readers have left for me. So, this morning I made time to go back to reply and be thankful. Honestly, I am thankful that many people read what I write here at MtDC. I know that when I look at my priorities when school is in session MtDC is falls into the important, but not urgent category.
FALLing into a hike
Fall finally arrived last week and with, it cool morning temperatures and comfortable afternoon temperatures with dry air. Yesterday, Fern and I went for a hike. Fern was happy to come along because it meant a car ride. I’ve been working on visiting different forest preserves throughout our county. I live in DuPage County in Illinois along with almost a million other people. Directly east of DuPage there is another county with almost five million residents, Cook County.
In the Chicago metropolitan are there are close ten million people. And yet, despite all those people there are spaces like the small forest preserve Fern I hiked through yesterday. While we were walking along the path, I noticed rustling in the trees and vegetation along the path in front of us. We stopped and discovered only a fawn only a scant few feet from the path frozen waiting for us to pass. I snapped a photo and we moved on. When we passed the area on our final lap, the fawn was gone or so well hidden we couldn’t see it.
So, far I’ve been to eight of the 60 forest preserves in the past year and my favorite is the closest – Herrick Lake Forest Preserve. But Oldfield Oaks Forest Preserve was good place to visit with a dog park for Fern to be off leash and some nice elevation changes in it’s compact trail. We’ll return later this fall.
During the school year, I try to focus on the here and now which means the IMPORTANT AND URGENT tasks and even sometimes, the NOT IMPORTANT but URGENT tasks take a number in the front of the line. I first read about this in Dr. Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People many years ago, long before I started blogging or teaching. Every so often I dust the book off and re-read parts of it. The book focuses on developing habits that are in line with one’s success. I’ve always struggled with time management and it’s because I lose focus on how truly NOT IMPORTANT and URGENT tasks look like IMPORTANT and URGENT.
Blogging and walking fall into same the category of IMPORTANT, but NOT URGENT. They take time and but I know the benefits of doing them far outweigh not doing them.
The Game of Science
My young scientists have been busy learning how scientists think and solve a problem. Questions. This past week, I unveiled my collection of games to help my students unravel the mystery of learning science. I even discovered how a 19th century mathematician’s work is the framework behind the design of a popular modern-day game many of my students have played. I now have 119 students in four classes, and they keep showing up for class ready to learn and grow. We are wrapping up games this week in science before moving on to a game without rules. I can’t wait.

I know there are more than three things to focus on in the coming week. But for now, I have to wrap this up, edit, press publish, then move forward. So, I had better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, especially important but not urgent things.
How is your early fall Sunday wrapping up?
Keep on keeping on my friend. Life happens whether we’re ready or not, so jump in and do the best you can. It’s always good to see a post from you. I am also guilty of not chiming in on other peoples’ posts because I simply would rather use that time to accomplish something else.
We all do what we can and accept that our friends are still there. Make it a great day!
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Fabulous shots of a restorative walk. That game looks fun and thought provoking too. I’d like to be in one of your classes!
ooooh….a game with no rules! That sounds interesting. I bet your students are having a great time learning in your classroom.
It’s a game with a game board and documented moves with a winner – they just have to figure out what the rules are and the game is played… it’s a good way to get them thinking about evidence to support their statements. Gets them past I think, to I observed. Thanks for stopping in.