There is nothing as fun as hanging onto an inner tube tied to the back of the boat as the driver tries to shake you off – zigzagging over the water, especially when the driver is your wife. Just hanging on was fun, trying to shake me was more fun for the driver.

I stayed on the tube and had a blast, though my arms and shoulders are screaming this morning.
O took the turn before me, and the turn after me; we both had a blast. It was a fun afternoon on the lake.

Our summer has been full of zigzags – highs and lows. I am grateful we were able to squeeze a little zigzagging fun.
Yesterday was GREAT DAY and today is going to be a million and six times better…. I know it and I can feel it. As the the chorus wails……
This could possibly be the best day ever
And the forecast says that tomorrow will likely be
A million and six times betterSo make every minute count
Jump up, jump in and seize the day
And let’s make sure that in every single possible way
Today is gonna to be a great day
“Today is gonna be a great day” – Bowling for Soup
Making the days Count, one day at a time, one zig, one zag, one and one zigzag at a time.
What do you remember from middle school science?
Today’s post is in response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge – prompt – at Word Press. The week’s prompt is “Zigzag.” For this week’s challenge, share with us your own take on zigging and zagging. It can be a winding path, the Herringbone pattern on your coat, a scar: any jagged line that tells a story. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.