Monthly Archives: July 2012

Friday morning, early

I skipped writing yesterday, too much goin’ on, in-laws arrived and I had a bunch to get done. Though momma might dispute that – I did take a nap yesterday afternoon before they arrived.

This morning, I came downstairs and grandma and grandpa were up. The morning culture at the cottage is sipping coffee in the front room and enjoying the lake view. It’s been that way as long as I we’ve been coming here. It is an amazing view. Continue reading Friday morning, early

Independence Day – 236 years later

‘We hold these truths to be self-evident…’

Originally, I planned to sleep in and skip today’s post. I figured most people would be busy at parades, barbecues, picnics, or fireworks; which just about describes what we’ll be doing here. Maybe even a bit of weed pulling and there are a lot to pull, or cleaning, organizing, and getting ready for grandma and grandpa to arrive Thursday.

But, I awoke at 5.15 and decided to get up and start the day; Continue reading Independence Day – 236 years later

Stormy Tuesday, and other days

Weather graphic from the Chicago Tribune, 7/2/12

Yesterday, it was warm and dry here, but early this morning storms rolled through with gusty winds and lightning setting the sky ablaze. I heard the rumble of thunder and rolled out of bed to close windows and gather drying towels before the skies opened. We need the rain, it’s been dry here, and it’s been dry back home.

Home has been dry for over a month and June was a record dry month in Chicagoland. Before leaving for camp, I spent early mornings and evenings watering the plants and reluctantly, the yard. Continue reading Stormy Tuesday, and other days

Lying low…

hugging Lake Michigan’s northern shore on US 2

Sometimes it is good to slow down, now is one of those times. William and I rolled out of summer camp Saturday morning about a quarter to eleven, Wisconsin time and pointed the Tahoe north, then east, then south. It’s a long drive through forests, over hills, along the Lake Michigan shoreline, and across the Mackinac Bridge down to the cottage. William slept while I drove; he needed the sleep, I did, too, but I could wait, I’d have to wait. Continue reading Lying low…