It’s Super Bowl Sunday and for the last four Super Bowls, I’ve made a prediction and every year my prediction has been a fail. Epic fail. Last year’s prediction was the worst ever. So this year, I won’t predict, I won’t share which team I am rooting for, I won’t tip my hand in any way. I just want to see a good game that keeps my interest until the very end, and of course I want to see some good commercials.
Last night I went to bed and the snow was beginning to fall. The weather guys began predicting a major snowstorm on Wednesday or Thursday and the hype has been building since. When I flipped on the radio yesterday, it was all I could hear – major snowstorm, blizzard warning, yada yada yada! The grocery stores were nuts yesterday as folks were out getting bread, milk, and eggs – in case we were snowed in. This morning when I peered out the window, the trees were coated and it was lovely. The snowplow had yet to clean the street and everywhere I could see was covered with a think velvety blanket of fresh snow.

Then, the snowplow came through. I hate the snowplow. I mean, I hate what the snowplow leaves behind. I am glad I am not a snowplow driver. I’d rather be Oscar Mayer, he has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A.
We’ve been out and cleared the driveway and the neighbor’s driveway – it’s a good turn – and removing any sign of the snowplow driver. But he’ll be back, I know it. The snow is still coming down. It looks like it’s going to snow for a while and we’ll need to get out and clear the driveway one more time before we go to bed – that way I won’t have to deal with it in the morning. That’ll be after the game and Downton Abbey – I hope.
I spent all of yesterday morning and most of the afternoon at school grading and planning. Mostly grading. And I still have several papers to grade – they are the science fair papers and they take time to review and assess. It was easier for me to go to school and grade, than to haul the papers home and try to grade, fewer distractions.

Yet, after almost a full day, I still have a bit of school work today to do before the big game comes on. Preparing for the week to come. We are learning chemistry and studying the periodic table. I am teaching the kids how to unlock the information hidden in the periodic table and it’s a lot of fun watching the kids realize it’s organized in patterns. Protons, neutrons, electrons, energy levels and seeing their faces in the ‘I got it’ moment is what it’s all about for me. There has been plenty of those moments this year, especially in the past week.
I came home last night spent and we watched The Right Stuff as a family. I remember reading Tom Wolfe’s book one summer break in college and then seeing the movie when it came to the theaters, I just didn’t remember that it was over thirty years ago, or that the movie was a tad longer than three hours. The snow was falling and had lightly covered the lawn when I crawled into bed last night.
In the meantime, I better get moving before the Super Bowl and the commercials begin to air. I always get a chuckle out of the advertisements – sometimes they are the best part of the entire broadcast – as in last year’s contest. One of my favorite commercials is a Federal Express commercial from way back in 2006.
I have a few more favorites, but that one sticks with me – pardon the pun.
It’s gonna be a great day and tomorrow promises to be a million and six times better. It’s not going to be a snow day and my students and probably my own kids will be disappointed when school is not called tomorrow and they have to get up and go to school. So, I had better jump up, jump in, and seize the day and prepare for Monday. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, one commercial at a time.
What’s a favorite commercial of yours? Do you have one?
In case you were wondering, here are my previous Super Bowl busts posts.
- Super Bowl XLVIII Denver vs. Seattle
- Super Bowl XLVII San Francisco vs. Baltimore
- Super Bowl XLVI New England vs. New York Giants
- Super Bowl XLV Green Bay vs. Pittsburgh
Favorite commercial…Mean Joe Greene
That’s a good one, too!
I wish he just one day of the snow you guys are getting. We are enforcing drought water restrictions already and it’s only January. Mother Nature needs a gentle nudge in our direction.
Sounds like you had a very productive day. Have a great rest of the week.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
It was indeed a good day and we did get a snow day – after 19″ of snow. It was the fifth biggest snow storm for our area. I’ve been here for three of them. I see your neck of the woods is getting a bit of rain – probably too much at once and not enough in the long haul. I will continue to hope and pray for rain and SNOW for northern California – it’s a beautiful part of the world. Today much of the snow is melting here and we have rain followed by cold. This is the price we pay for spring, summer, and fall. It all works out. Wishing you a great week! Thanks for stopping by. Clay
Honestly, the commercials this year were lame and kind of a bust. The game was brilliant of course (I’m from Boston so..take that with a grain of salt). But maybe the ALWAYS commercials about “hitting like a girl”. At least it was empowering, fun and smart. But I’m kinda tired of the big hoopla over the advertisements…I actually think some of the best ads come during Christmas — where somehow we’re reminded how we should treat each other AND make sure we get out and shop weeks before Thanksgiving now… goodness….
My favorite ad was the Budweiser commercial with the puppy – I am sucker for a cute puppy, even though I don’t drink Bud. I didn’t ‘get’ all of the ads but then I ma no longer the target audience – but the game was great. A kid from the high school my oldest goes to is on the Seahawks and I don’t know if he got in or not. He played in the NFC Championship and was on the field for the last play… fun to see – I remember watching him play in high school. I was rooting for the Pats and am glad they won. it was a good game – I love it win the game comes down to the final moments. The snow is cleaned up for now and it’s gonna be a great week. Thanks for stopping by!
Does an anti-advertisement count? We just ordered a spoof on the recently-declared-bankrupt Skymall catalogue, and laughed ourselves sick reading it yesterday. OK, sophomoric. Happy week!
sometimes sophomoric is good – laughing releases endorphins which keep us all ticking… I personally liked the #bestbuds commercial with the puppy who gets lost and finds his way home after fending off a coyote or some other fierce animal with the help of his Clydesdale friends! Have a wonderful week!