What a difference two days make

“If you don’t like the weather wait a day and it will change” anonymous

I’ve heard that said about the weather almost everywhere I’ve lived and visited. I heard it in Houston, Chicago, San Francisco and when I visited – London, Paris, and northern Michigan. And, yes, it is true to a certain extent. Weather does change and it should because that is what weather is – change.

The weather yesterday and day before was cloudy, blustery, and downright chilly, especially when you consider it was the last day of June and the first day of July. This morning, it’s chilly but clear and looks to be a million and six times better than yesterday.

I taught geography for fourteen years and most of my 7th graders always mixed up the two terms – weather and climate. Weather is the day to day change in the atmospheric conditions in an area and the climate is the long term pattern of weather in an area or region. I wanted my students to understand that climate influenced where people settled, where cities grew and civilization developed.

Weather changes, climate should not, but it appears that our climate has been changing since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution and is the change is accelerating

Two weeks ago, Pope Francis issued his encyclical on Climate Change and it was the hubbub of the news for a few days, and then it disappeared. The subject will reappear after the next large weather event and folks will be concerned for a moment and then all will be forgotten. It’s an awful cycle – for a moment, a fleeting moment, we are concerned, then we return to the behavior that got us here.

It was 48F here when I began writing and 83F in Paris yesterday it was 103F. Yikes, that’s hot. It’s too cool here and far too warm there. Not normal.

Tuesday morning, it was cool, cloudy, and damp in the morning and I tagged along with the kids when they went fishing. O caught a dozen blue gill and perch, and W enjoyed the fishing – he was fishing for bass and didn’t catch single bass, but he had fun anyway. I enjoyed the trip, too.

Tuesday afternoon, it lightly rained and we ran errands. Then the Women’s World Cup began. What a game.

Wednesday arrived and the weather was no better and we ran errands and dreamed. By day’s end, the weather was looking up with clear skies in the forecast.

Thursday morning arrived and clear skies. The forecast calls for a warm day and a cool night – prefect for a day on the water and a campfire this evening.


This morning has been full of debate and decision. More later, as my dad would’ve said, “watch this space.” It has warmed by twenty degrees here and only two in Paris. I can’t imagine a hot day in Paris. Today is gonna be a great day. I know it and I can feel it. So, I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time.

How is the weather where you are?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

6 thoughts on “What a difference two days make

    1. I have seen that western Europe has been quite warm this summer. Here we have air conditioning to cool our homes when it gets got – in the upper 80s \ 30C+ especially when it gets humid. lately, the weather has been more pleasant, but the forecast for today is much warmer 91F. Thanks for stopping in… have a great day and stay calm and cool.

    1. glad to hear… I was visiting England and Scotland in July 1975 and it was very warm – 84F/29C and the papers were calling it a heatwave. It seemed rather pleasant after two weeks in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. More later… I promise… have a wonderful week.

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