
Sunday morning at the cottage, Ivy is sleeping, and O is awake upstairs. It’s quiet and peaceful, it’s an inspiration.

We’ve been Up North over a week and each day we’ve been chipping away at our chore list: getting a chore here and a chore there knocked off the list. We have a summer’s worth of ‘to dos’ to accomplish while we are here, there’s always something to do, even when I’d rather read a book or gaze out over the lake. But, we’ve also had time for a boat ride to watch the sunset. Inspiring.

sunset Lake Margrethe - Monday, July 26
sunset Lake Margrethe – Monday, July 26

We were having dinner with friends the other night – they came here for ribs and beans and we were at their place for ham and potatoes last night – we were talking and they shared they had been looking at other cottages around the lake and decided that where we are, they are four houses down the shore, can’t be equaled. I agree. I get up in the morning and look out over the lake, enjoy a cup of coffee and think, dream, or I can sit on the deck and read a book, and the lake lies before me.

W called from Philmont Thursday morning and he sounded great. He comes home Wednesday night and he’ll be here Thursday afternoon. I pick him up at the airport and I’ll deliver him to the cottage, I suspect he’ll sleep some, if not most, of the drive. B will ask him about the details of his adventure, I will, too. We’ll get an occasional detail here and there, eventually he’ll tell us all about his adventure, but he’ll be here for a dose of Up North inspiration.

Inspiration, it is what draws us here.

Time moves quickly and soon I’ll be back to school – fifteen days – but I’ll be working to make the days count, scratch and item from my to do list, or savor another day, another sunset, or dinner with friends. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, one more sunset storing memories for another day.

What’s your inspiration?

the moon over the Lake Margrethe
the moon over the Lake Margrethe

Today’s post is in response the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Inspiration. What is your inspiration? What moves you? What is it that never fails to motivate you, to get you going, or make you happy? It could be the bench in a quiet section of the park where you go to center yourself. Maybe it’s a favorite piece of music or book passage that boosts your enthusiasm. Or, maybe it’s the face of the love of your life, a treasured memento, or the unconditional love you see in the eyes of your pet.

Show me your inspiration! I can’t wait to see how you interpret this theme.

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

5 thoughts on “Inspiration

    1. We are in the highlands of Michigan – the other side of the lake is an army camp – National Guard – to the north it’s a state park. Thankfully. otherwise the lake would be cottage and the view wouldn’t be so nice. The colors of the lake change depending on the day or season, or even in the same day due to the weather. I love my time here and savor every moment.

Thanks for visiting MtDC. How are YOU Making YOUR Days Count?