quiet Saturday mornings….

I love Saturday mornings. I usually get up early and it’s quiet. I brew coffee, bond with Ivy, read the newspaper, or scan e-mails, and say a quick prayer for the day.

my messy desk - needs a makeover and I need to do it.
my messy desk – needs a makeover and I need to do it.

Instead, this morning I slept late, I needed to sleep late. It was a late night and the outcome of this week’s football game was not good. We were on the road. We had a couple of injuries and the Tigers didn’t play well, coming up on the short side of the score, 13-17. It’s a long season and we have seven more games, at least. W and the players who didn’t get in last night, will play this morning at home.

It was a good week at school. I know 97% of my students on sight – anywhere in the building. I am constantly testing myself saying hello and calling their name – in hallway, on the bus ramp, or in the lunchroom. It is important to me that I know my student’s names quickly. I have 112 eighth graders – ages 12-14 – in my six classes. Some I have only once, I have several twice, and four kids I have three times – advisory, science, and history.

Curriculum night was Tuesday night and I met the parents. Parents come without their kids and I am at a disadvantage looking out at a sea of adults who know me by name, but I have no idea whom they belong to. Some parents introduce themselves on the way in or way out, but it’s only enough time to hear the name and move on to the next parent. However, there was a dad who came in who I knew instantly who he belonged to – Sam. Sam and I are going to have a good year together. He’s in my history class and he’s full of energy. I met him last year when he was seventh grader and he remembered meeting me – vividly. I’d forgotten dropping into a colleague’s class and working with him and a couple of other kids in English Language Arts. He reminded me and I laughed. I am glad he’s in my class.

I reached a milestone, too, I finished a big project and I turned it in yesterday afternoon. I got the confirmation this morning. It’s too soon to write about, but I’ll report back when I receive news – keep your fingers crossed for me. Thanks.

My students were off Friday – the teachers had meetings and there is no school Monday for the Labor Day holiday. My students have a four-day weekend and I have three-day pass. However, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns – I have a stack of papers to review and mark before Tuesday and I have quite a bit of planning in history and science before school re-starts Tuesday.

Then there is everything else that life brings – family, the house, the yard, and my messy desk. I have today, tomorrow, and Monday – the time will fill up quickly. So, I better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Today is gonna be a great day. Making the days Count, one day a time, one small bit, after the other.

What is on your agenda this weekend?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

10 thoughts on “quiet Saturday mornings….

  1. I am loving busy noisy mornings here at the inn because that means we’re busy and that means we’re making money and that means we’re doing something right. But, I do love to enjoy some quiet time when possible.

    And I try to remember all of my guests names too. Because we turn over rooms nearly every 24 hours, I sometimes have to say their names several times, out loud to make sure that I remember them.

    Enjoy the weekend, Clay and have a great holiday!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. I hope the Bear House is bustling!name recognition is so important – kids get a kick out of it when i remember their names and I can see their faces light up – literally. Thanks for stopping by – and enjoy the week ahead!

    1. Lisa – thank you. I am humbled by your comment. Can you believe it has been forty years since we were in 8th grade? We were so young, so naive, but we turned out okay – I think. We are all works in progress. I shared that I was in 8th grade – 40 years ago with my students and their parents and got a chuckle from the parents. Several kids shared they have parents my age! It is possible – I have a seventh grader and I am one year of living the dream – 8th grade at work and 8th grade home – Astroworld had that ride – ‘Raging Hormones!’ Have wonderful week!

    1. That does sound like fun – jam, jelly, preserves? Loved your post about foraging and the mushrooms. Yummm. It’s apple time in the midwest and we’re headed to a county fair next weekend. We’ll be leaving the ‘burbs behind us and driving into the country – flat, fertile, farmland. It’s an annual journey for us and we enjoy the time as a family. Different from foraging and handling fresh fruit and mushrooms but just as satisfying. All of my other chores are on track. Have a great week!

    1. That’s exciting – I’ll be there one day and I hope my kids are close enough for me to help (and spoil) our grandkids. Don’t forget to remind her that she’ll be exhausted for years! Your son-in-law will be exhausted, too – but in a different way! Enjoy your weekend. Thanks for stopping in and making my day.

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