President’s weekend – 2017

It’s Monday morning and I am looking out at the lake when I look up and to the left. It’s been beautiful this weekend and we’ve gotten to rest and relax – something all of us needed, including Ivy.

Sunday evening’s sunset with Venus a bright light in the sky

Normally on a Monday morning, I’d be at school getting ready for the day, but’ it’s President’s Weekend and a three-day weekend for O and I. We’ve had this weekend circled on our calendars since early January. We’ve spent many President’s Day weekends up at the lake. The kids have skied and I’ve relaxed. It’s that time in the school year when we all of us can see the end of the year. We passed Hundred’s Day – an important milestone for elementary kids – a couple of weeks ago, and as of tomorrow, Tuesday 2/21, there are 63 days of school remaining.

Oh my, how time flies.

I brought several stacks of papers to review and mark and I’ve gotten through a portion, but I have relaxed quite a bit and challenged my students in other ways. In honor of President’s Day weekend, I’ve sent them three messages through a messaging app called Remind. It allows me to send a message to my students via their cell phone or an e-mail address to remind them of upcoming quizzes, tests, or field trip reminders. Last weekend, I sent a Remind message on a whim and got almost 20 responses and this week I planned three separate messages – one for a different president. Here are my questions….

  • Saturday’s Extra Credit question – Happy Saturday – I pt EC – Which president was raised in Michigan? Hint – he was an All-American footballer, too. Offer Exp. midnight 2/18.
  • Sunday’s Extra credit question – Happy Sunday – for 2 EC pts – Which president promised a man on the moon by the end of the decade? Offer expires at midnight 2/19
  • Monday’s Extra Credit question – Happy Monday – 2EC points – Which president served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after leaving office? Offer exp at 11:59 PM 2/20

Please feel free to take a swing at the answers and leave them in the comments. I’ve had fun with it and I think the kids have enjoyed the opportunity to get a little extra. I received 28 responses Saturday and 31 responses yesterday; and so far, I have received three responses for today’s question. All of them have been correct responses.

Today also marks the date of issue of a new postage stamp commemorating the 100th birthday of John F. Kennedy. I discovered this when I stopped in at the post office Saturday morning to get stamps for my thank you notes and I found these stamps as well. It’s a President’s weekend bonanza, of sorts.


I’ve read several presidential biographies over the years and I recall a job interview question when I was looking for my first teaching job many years ago, and the principal asked me who my favorite president was and I answered Harry S. Truman. I don’t know if my answer made a difference, but I didn’t get the job. I still believe he was in the top five of all presidents. Abram Lincoln is number one, but Truman is my favorite.

Of course, Monday morning means we need to pack, clean up, and go home. Last night we played cards at the table after dinner. It was fun. Yesterday afternoon we sat outside on the deck and enjoyed the sunshine. It was unseasonably warm and we were able to hack and scrap all of the snow and ice piles off the deck. It’s been a fun weekend but now it’s time to head home and back to the responsibilities of school and life.

A month from today will be the Spring Equinox and day and night will be equal. The summer and I know we’ll be back here for the warm days of summer and maybe a weekend in the April or May.

For now, I’d better get a move on and pack and clean. I know today is gonna be a great day – I can feel it. So, I had better get jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, asking questions, seeking answers, learning and growing every day.

Which president is your ‘favorite?’

BTW – as of now – I have 11 responses to today’s presidential question with a little over an hour into the post. It’s gonna be a great day!

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

7 thoughts on “President’s weekend – 2017

  1. Margaret – I’d fail on British monarchs or prime ministers, as well. Answers are Ford, Kennedy, and Taft. Interesting tidbit on Taft, he was our last president to have facial hair. I think you’ll appreciate the post that goes live later today. have a wonderful week and spring is almost here! Peace.

  2. I’m glad you left a comment on my blog. I don’t know why I haven’t been receiving your blog posts. So I hit ‘follow’ again and will hopefully start seeing your posts in my inbox. Hope you had a great three day weekend.

    1. Ingrid – I’ve seen your posts and skimmed, but the photography tips and comments really got me. During the school year, it is so difficult for me to keep up all of the writing and reading or reading and writing as well as commenting. I feel guilty just clicking the LIKE button and moving on, so I try to comment on what I read. Glad to see you are doing well, getting to Michigan was incredibly relaxing! Keep on snapping your photos and enjoying life. Have a wonderful week. Peace.

    1. Margaret – I’d fail on British monarchs or prime ministers, as well. Answers are Ford, Kennedy, and Taft. Interesting tidbit on Taft, he was our last president to have facial hair. I think you’ll appreciate the post that goes live later today. have a wonderful week and spring is almost here! Peace.

Thanks for visiting MtDC. How are YOU Making YOUR Days Count?