Road Taken – a photo challenge

It’s late Saturday evening and the day is almost done. The sun set hours ago, and it’s dark now. The moon is visible in the clear western sky. Last night it lightly snowed and this morning when the sun rose its warmth melted the fresh layer of new snow. Spring, at least official Spring, is a little more than a fortnight away, but all indications are that Spring is here.

the road taken – this morning and most Sunday mornings to church

I woke early, made coffee and began work before the sun rose this morning. I was driving to church when I snapped the photo. It’s the road I take to church or downtown or whenever I visit the Northside of town. This morning was the monthly men’s group gathering and I joined this year. Most of the time I am the youngest member of the group. It was my turn to get donuts.

It’s a narrow road and at one time it was a scantly traveled narrow country road. But the development of the suburbs in the last half-century has turned it into a well-traveled road connecting north to south. On the right, ancient trees provide the border between the road and a private golf club. The golf club is the oldest 18-hole golf club in the United States and has hosted the US Open and the Walker Cup. The houses on the left have been built in the past forty or so years, but at one time there was a trolley connecting downtown Chicago with the western suburbs. It’s long gone, but the old rail bed is now part of a network of crushed stone paths connecting the western suburbs for walkers, joggers, and cyclists.

This morning the side of the road was lightly coated with snow and the tree branches hung over the road. Soon leaves will sprout, but today the bare limbs provided a clear view of the morning clouds. By the time the men’s group was finished, the sky was clear and it was sunny and the snow was slowly becoming a faint memory.

It has been a great day and tomorrow could be a million and six times better. Who knows, but I’ll be on the road to the Northside on my way to church. I’ll be driving the church bus tomorrow morning picking up parishioners who can no longer drive. Regardless, it’s gonna be a great day, no what road I take. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, one well-traveled road at a time.

Where have the roads taken you lately?

I participate in WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge 2017

Today’s post is inspired by this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: The Road Taken. For this week’s challenge, show us something that surprised you on “the road taken.” It could be a heritage building in your city or town as seen from a new-to-you angle, a yummy meal on a road trip detour, or the penny you found on a casual stroll. (I still love to find pennies — always a small thrill!) This challenge is wide open — show us the excitement, surprise, wonder, or amazement of your “road taken.”

Thanks to the Cardinal Guzman for this widget for this year’s Weekly Photo Challenges.

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

9 thoughts on “Road Taken – a photo challenge

  1. This post brought back a little smile. I miss being a part of several church men’s groups. Some deep and lasting friendships were forged there.

    Clay, I’m glad to hear that you continue to follow such a rich and meaningful road. It’s certainly worth taking (even if it’s your turn to pick up the donuts).

    Thank you very much for sharing!

    1. I think next time, I’ll bring fruit instead. I had a donut and I got sort of woozy – too much sugar. I enjoy the fellowship of the men’s group – I tried to take a few years back but the demands of parenting kept me from being more active. Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you. There are two ways to get to church, but that road is the quickest. But, the roads we take – f=determine what we see and what we get out of the day. After I posted and read your comment, I reflected on the path I take to school daily and other roads I take. I could have chosen almost any road, but I choose to make the days count – every day in every way. So it doesn’t make much of a difference what road I take – it’s where I end up, It’s all relative. Thank you for stopping in and have a wonderful week! Pax.

    1. Margaret, good idea! Next time, I’ll take fruit or maybe cook scrambled eggs for my brethren. I had a donut and it was a MISTAKE – I got all woozy from the sugar overload. I did work it later in the day. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy your week – one step at a time.

Thanks for visiting MtDC. How are YOU Making YOUR Days Count?