unusual: a photo challenge

It’s summer break and I’ve been on the road, that’s not unusual. Summer is travelling season for me and the family. Wednesday morning, I was in North Carolina – really, no Raleigh, Wednesday night I was back home in Chicagoland, and Thursday evening I was in northern Michigan. I rejoined my family after a professional conference – it was good and I realized I have much to do and learn. I am here for the weekend and then we return home Monday or Tuesday.

an unusual sight – a wind turbine blade

Driving to Michigan is sometimes a gamble, sometimes I can make it in 6 hours, sometimes quicker, but most of the time the drive stretches to almost 7 hours. The time depends on weather, accidents, or construction or a combination of all three.

Thursday afternoon had elements of all three and I arrived before the sunset and our guests from Ohio.

the sign says it all….

Along the way, I stopped at the Michigan Welcome Center near New Buffalo so I could take a selfie with the Welcome to Michigan sign to go with my Welcome to North Carolina selfie from my last post. When I pulled off the highway into the rest stop, I saw something unusual – wind turbine blades on the move or rather, off the road waiting for a better time to move. Several years ago, we watched a trainload of wind turbine blades travelling through Chicago. I went back in time – it was long time ago, and yes it was unusual to see wind turbine blades on a train or a truck.

I drove through the rest stop three times, once to take photos of the wind turbine blades, once for the selfie, and a final time through to film the video below. Yesterday morning I had issues with uploading the video to YouTube – the version with the music is blocked (sort of), so both versions are below.

Further in to the journey, I came across another unusual load – some sort of pressure vessel or tank. Last week, I saw a load of turkeys. Mostly the trucks are closed and I have no idea what is being transported only that it’s on the road.

Yesterday we spent the day on the lake boating, after dinner we finished the day with an evening cruise to enjoy the sunset, nothing unusual, just beauty and peace.

Today is gonna be a great day. So I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, nothing unusual, but I never know what I’ll come across.

What is unusual for you?

Today’s post is inspired by this week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Unusual. For this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge, please post a photo that is unusual in some way for you, whether it be through technique, by subject, or in some other unique way. This theme is wide open to interpretation because only you know what is unusual to you.


About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

12 thoughts on “unusual: a photo challenge

    1. Thank you, sometimes I am in the right place at the right time, sometimes opportunities present themselves, sometimes they don’t…. that is the way of a photographer or a blogger with a camera like me. It’s gonna be a great day. Thanks for the follow – you are me 100th – a milestone.

    1. Thank you – here in the Midwest we are surrounded by wind power and, once upon a time, nuclear power, too. About 15 miles from where the photo was taken is a nuclear power plant. Funny how the winds of change blow (pun intended). Transporting large items like turbine blades takes quite a bit of thinking and planning. Stuff I don’t think about, which makes it unusual. Working on satisfaction – this week’s challenge. Have a wonderful weekend.

  1. We saw one of those blades being transported when we made our cross-country trek from California to Mississippi. They are HUUUUGGGGEEEEE. It’s an interesting perspective seeing them so close up.

    I love the sunset photo!

    Have a great few more weeks of summer.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. thanks – we have had friends at the lake and it’s been super busy…. Saturday we went on a driving adventure and ended driving along Lake Michigan along a narrow winding road where no turbine blade could fit and had a blast. Yesterday we relaxed and hung out. Have a great week!

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