It’s been a while since I’ve penned regular posts. I’ve gotten out of the habit writing weekly or writing at all.
As the new calendar year began, I made note of some things I wanted to change. I suppose I could have selected another place on the calendar, but the timing coincides with my return to work (tomorrow) after five weeks off due to my second knee replacement. I now have matching scars.
The past half year has been busy…..
In June, I had my right knee replaced at the beginning of summer break and I planned my left knee replacement to coincide with winter break knowing I would be missing the last three weeks of ’18 in recovery. Ironically, two of my other school colleagues were experiencing similar journeys with their knee or a spouse’s knee.
In November, our son graduated from marine boot camp and we traveled to southern California to be with him. Our son left home for boot camp in August and I replaced blogging with letter writing. In all, I wrote seventeen letters. I haven’t written a letter since late October, but it is on my list. Our son is still training but he has his phone and computer and it’s easier for him to communicate electronically – he texted me several times yesterday and it was nice to hear from him. But I’ll resume the old-fashioned way with an envelope and a real stamp. We had a day to unwind after his graduation and I snapped the photo below of the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean. It was a peaceful end to an exciting couple of days. The day after our son’s graduation from boot camp was my birthday and it also happened to be the USMC birthday.

After our son’s graduation, he was home for a week before he returned to finish his training.
Two weeks after he returned for training, I had my surgery and then Christmas and the New Year arrived.
I’ve had a lot of time on hands while recovering. I had physical therapy to help me rebuild my strength and mobility. I did take time to visit the trolls after one of my therapy visits as I did during knee #1. But, I read a lot and re-learned how to walk. I am still re-learning.

Our son was able to come home briefly over the holidays and we headed to the lake. It was a good time away and we were able to relax and celebrate a second Christmas with him. The lake was frozen over and Sunday evening’s sunset was amazing. It was the final Sunday of the year and final Sunday sunset of 2018.

Today is the first Sunday of the 2019 and it’s a new year. Change happens. There was a lot of change in ’18 that I am still working to process, but I am looking to write about some of that change ’19. In a way, I am getting back to my roots when I began writing Making the Days Count dot org, then dot com, as a way to process the change leading up to my first post in May 2010. We can’t make the change go away, but we can work to live with the change.
It has been a week of ‘firsts’ – a first Tuesday, a first Wednesday, and so on until tomorrow which will be the first Monday and my first day back to school after my surgery. In the eight or so years I’ve been writing, some things haven’t changed: I still marvel at the moon and I love watching sunset, or sunrise. Each day is different. In the meantime, I am going to continue to Make the Days Count, one day at a time, a first Sunday, then a second until the calendar resets again this coming December to 2020.
What did you do with your firsts of ’19?

The firsts of 2019 for me … making promises to myself. That this time will be different. That I can take what I’ve learned and apply it to life. So far, so good. Not perfect – but good. And it’s great to be here to read you again, my friend. Godspeed to you.
Plus, it’s baseball season again. Eternal hope.
Eli,thank you fro stopping by – I was glad when I saw your comment and resolved to reply….. but many days have passed. I read your post this morning and it resonated, I haven’t been reading much on the blogosphere the past several months or writing. But I’m hoping to make a change or rather a change has been made for me… I am thankful – have a great day and thanks for stopping by. Peace.
All in good time, my brother. Always good to hear from you and read your words. We’ve been at this a while, haven’t we?
Good luck as your knees get stronger. Nice to have you back, but well done on the letter writing. A neglected art.
Thank you Margaret – I successfully navigated Day 1 back at school – I was sore at the end of the day but not limping! Small victories. Yesterday was a teacher workday with meetings, today the kids come back and the REAL reason for school. I am excited and a little bit nervous. It’s gonna be a great day and a great year. Positivity!