W^2 or W squared for Wordless Wednesday, October 13, 2021
The days are getting shorter, and the sun sets earlier each evening as a reminder that we are headed into winter. Then the process will reverse again as it always does. Until that time, fern and I will have to start earlier in the afternoon. We’ll continue to Make the Days Count, one day at a time, one step, or sniff, at time, starting earlier each day.
When do you make time walk?
So far, I’ve managed every single day this year, and managed to mix it up a bit – dawn, morning, noon, evening and night. Each has their own special quality. I often take my Virtual Dog.
That is impressive. I get some daily movement each week day walking around the school building up and down stairs and around the classroom, but I have trouble squeezing in a daily walk. Yesterday I mowed the lawn and that was my purposeful movement for the day. My plan for this afternoon is to take Fern for a walk…the weather has changed and is a bit cooler. Excellent for a long walk along the local paths. Stay well and peace.
You do alright! You’re a working man after all!