W^2 or W squared for Wordless Wednesday, March 6, 2024
It appears Spring has sprung, but the Spring Equinox is a little less than a fortnight away. This year, the vernal equinox is Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 10:06 PM.
“The first blooms of spring always make my heart sing.”
— S. Brown
According to the meteorologists, it is spring. We had a mild winter here in the upper Midwest. I read a report that this past winter was one of the five mildest winters on record for the Chicagoland area. We hardly had any snow and only a very brief cold snap where temperatures went below zero (Fahrenheit). We did however have two bad weather days where I could teach from home, some folks mike call that ‘good weather.’

This past weekend temperatures got into the low seventies! On Sunday, it was nice enough for me to start up the lawnmower and take a walk behind it as the mower collected leaves and anything else loose on the leaf tops. The lawn looks so much better.
Late Monday evening strong thunderstorms passed through, and it rained over an inch. Overnight, everything seemed greener.
This afternoon, as Fern. And I stepped out for a late afternoon walk, I spied these daffodils blooming on the south side of our lot. After a quick inspection of the backyard’s beds. There are more signs as lilies and daffodils awake from their winter slumber. Soon the entire yard will be alive with color.
It’s Wednesday evening and it has been a full day. I jumped, jumped in, and seized the day. Before long it’ll be Thursday, so I’d better proofread, format, and press publish. Making the days Count, one day at a time, looking for signs of spring and finding them.
How is ‘spring’ looking where you are?
Ours are coming up, but no buds or blooms yet. It seems early, but given how warm it is I guess it’s not! I’m in SE Michigan.
We’ve been warmer this spring earlier than I recall and the blooms are early. But earth has its own timetable. Take care and stay well. Peace.
Those feisty daffodils are making a good effort. They seized the day, and so must we.
Couldn’t agree more. I will be patient with the rest of the gardens. Stay well.
It looked quite good until yesterday, when it snowed a bit and my tiny tête-à-tête daffs looked quite pi…qué at this change of weather. Winter wasn‘t bad, long stretches of rain and dry nicely changing. But as I wrote to my niece this morning. Outside it‘s kind of Novembery, but the tulips on my dining table don‘t care one bit. They just concentrate on ‚who‘s growing the most each day‘ leaving me to cut them back every morning and give them fresh water to do their outrageous stem-busting one more day, day after day.
Kiki so good to see you. Sorry for the incredibly late reply. It seems we are left trying to figure out nature when we should really stay back and watch with awe and joy. Hope you are well and enjoying life. Peace.