Thanksgiving Eve

People do not call it that, but that’s what today is, the day before Thanksgiving. Hence, Thanksgiving Eve, I am calling it!

I have today off and there was the ‘Friday’ feel in the building yesterday. The kids were giddy, the teachers were too and it was a day when learning and leisure collided. My kids, on the other hand, have been off since last week and have the entire week off. They have been busy. William has gotten all his wreaths delivered, Olivia has tagged along mostly because she had to, but I think she really enjoys being part of the fun and excitement. While William delivered wreaths Sunday, Olivia and I shopped for Thanksgiving dinner fixings, so other than a few odd ingredients, we are set. I’ll get up early and start roasting the bird. Beth and the kids will follow and the house will warm with the smells of cooking and baking. Pies, beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and sweet potato casserole. It will take a while, a long while, then we’ll sit down, say thanks, and eat. Dinner will be over before we know it and then regret will set in. Too much time spent on one big meal, a lot of clean up, and where to put the leftovers.

But, today is Wednesday and Thanksgiving eve – the day before Thanksgiving and the day to get ready for the weekend to come. This weekend the troop, William’s Boy Scout troop, sells Christmas wreaths at two retail locations and we have to staff them. We means – me, William, Beth, and Olivia. We’ll all be there to set up, sell, and have a bit of fun and today we’ll take a bit of time to get the trailers ready, move product and be ready for Friday morning.

It is beautiful today. The yard was covered in a light frost this morning and the car’s windshield had a light coating of ice. It was cold, but sunny and clear. Yesterday it had rained most of the day and it was dreary. Dreary, rainy days in November are no fun and I was glad to be in school. But, today will be a perfect day to decorate outside and get Christmas lights ready, garlands hung, and the house ready for the holidays before the weather really gets cold and unpleasant. I have hung wreaths and lights in a cold drizzle and that is – no other way of saying it – miserable.

Today is Wednesday, Thanksgiving eve and I have five days away from school. These five days will scream by seemingly at the speed of light– they’ll be gone before I know it. So, I had better get going and start making my day count for more than a blog post and a bit of thinking. Making the Days Count, one day at a time, Thanksgiving Eve, included.

What are your plans with Thanksgiving Eve?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

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