T minus eight

Reds vs. Cubs @ 1.10, Sunday 8/12

It’s been a while, too long between my last post and today. Don’t worry, the days have counted and they are counting. Last week it was fifteen today it is eight, and counting.

W and I came home a week ago and we hit the ground running – school, errands, scouts, football, and home; then momma and O came home Thursday evening with more scouts and softball and more scouts. It’s been busy and I’ve been trying to keep up. Today won’t be any different. Nor will the coming week – the last week before school starts for the entire home. I start Monday, the twentieth and the kids start the twenty-second. I’m not sure they have wrapped their minds around the idea; I do know W started football last week and he’s been busy, and tired.

I finally finished reading Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. It has been on my reading list for over a year, but when W picked Sunrise over Fallujah for his summer reading book, I decided to read the prequel so I could provide background information when we talked about it, if we talked about it. I finished it Saturday morning and I can almost identify with the main character, Richie Perry. After joining the army out of high school, he’s deployed to Vietnam. Its 1967, he’s wide-eyed, worried, and thinking of his mom, and brother, Kenny, back home in Harlem. By the end of the book, he’s just hanging on to surviving another mission, another day. When he and his buddies – Peewee and Loebel talk about home they refer to it as ‘The World;’ as in, “when I get back to ‘The World….’”

Well, I am back in the world, we all are. The only member of the family who seems to be adjusting to ‘the world’ is Ivy. She’s bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and patrolling her territory to make certain no critter violates her turf. We’d been gone over a month, but Ivy has stepped up her patrols for critters: chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, and other animals. Last week, I watched as she gave chase to a chipmunk though the garage and back out into the driveway and the yard. She almost got it, well yesterday, O discovered a chipmunk in the yard and she got one. I took it away. She looked at us proudly, and I patted her on the head and told her, “good dog, Ivy, good dog.” This morning, when I came outside to checkup, check in and write; she followed. She crept slowly into the backyard and sat down staring intently through the fence into the neighbor’s yard at a bunny, hidden under the tree. She sat there, staring for almost a quarter of an hour flexing and flinching, knowing the bunny was beyond her reach, just outside her boundaries. A squirrel crossed in front of her running along the fence line in front of her and she didn’t even move. Eventually, the bunny ran off to a better place to hide and Ivy gave up and lay down at my feet.

Regardless, I am back in ‘the world’ and I have to get moving. I am going to a Cubs game today, with some friends, and the day will be spent and gone before I know it. Monday will be here, and then the treadmill of the week will get going. So, I’d better jump up, jump in and seize the day, before it seizes me. Making the Days Count, every day counts, especially in ‘the world’ when there are only a few left.

How do you get ‘back to the world’ after a vacation?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

4 thoughts on “T minus eight

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