Mother’s Day

It is Mother’s Day and Spring is in full bloom. The trees have begun to leaf out and the flowering trees are beautiful. The daffodils are gone finished, but they’ll be back next season.

But, flowers are available year round. You just have to know where to look.  Yesterday was a busy day – they all are. Lacrosse drop off at 8, game at 9 and 11. Softball at 11. Some days it’s seemingly never ending. But, someday it will end, the kids will grow up and head off to college and we’ll have memories and time. And, then it will be their turn.

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2

I know where to find flowers for Mother’s Day and I’ve been finding them ever since W is was a baby. There are days when it seems like just the other day that we were bringing him home from the hospital, and then it there are the days when it feels like it was a million years ago.

Our first Mother's Day as parents - May 1998
Our first Mother’s Day as parents – May 1998

I get my flowers at the French Market downtown. I’ve been frequenting the same market stall for years. They have the best flowers – best prices – and nicest people. I’ve never been tempted to try another place, they are that good. So, after dropping W off at lacrosse Saturday morning, I drove downtown, and got two dozen roses – one dozen pink and one dozen pale yellow. They are beautiful and will be beautiful all week long. I wish I could get that kind of mileage from everything I buy.

The flowers are sitting on the counter and I just finished cleaning the kitchen. I cooked dinner tonight – I grilled NY Strips and topped them with bleu cheese. We had sautéed baby squash, mashed potatoes, sautéed mushrooms, and a salad to start. It was delicious and there are leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

For Mother’s Day, we cleaned window screens, washed windows, cleaned the porch and had a workday for momma after we treated her to breakfast out this morning. This afternoon, I called my mom to say Happy Mother’s Day and my step-mom, too. The last time I spent Mother’s Day with my mom was when W was a year old and she came to visit for my graduation from NIU when I completed my education degree. When I graduated for the first time in ’85, I chose not to walk when I graduated, so it was a treat for us both. I got flowers for momma that morning, too.

my mom, me (I am the biggest) and my two brothers - Houston - 1965
my mom, me (I am the biggest) and my two brothers – Houston – 1965

A storm blew through bringing us rain and a drop in the temperatures and ending our work party. It was a good day. It was a good Mother’s Day. While we were waiting for our food at breakfast, we played ‘hangman.’ B’s phrase was ‘MOTHER’S DAY SHOULD LAST FOR A MONTH.’ We laughed. But, a mother’s job is never done. Never.

Usually, when I am writing a post it is the beginning of the day, tonight it’s the end of the day. Today was a great day and tomorrow could be a million and six times better, but nothing beats Mother’s Day.  Especially when you are Making the Days Count, one chore, one job, one task, one dinner for momma.

What did you do for your mom on Mother’s Day? Or how did you spend your Mother’s Day?

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About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

10 thoughts on “Mother’s Day

  1. Mother’s Day is a fun time and we had wonderful weather. We took a nature hike, and my son had a soccer game. We also went out to dinner. And, I got a petunia in a hand painted pot. A lovely way to welcome the much-awaited springlike weather!

    1. I am sure that petunia is in a special place and when the petunia is gone, it’ll be replaced. nothing will replace that pot and it will always bring back a wonderful memory. thanks for stopping in – have a great Memorial Day weekend.

  2. What a great husband and son you are. Women love flowers (well most women anyway) and you did a good thing.

    I spent the day putting a roof on a shed I helped build on Saturday. Since I am not a mother and my mother passed away 6 years ago, I don’t have to bother with any of the hullabaloo any more. I sure do miss my momma though.

    Cute pix.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    1. Patricia – thank you. There will come a time when my mom won’t be here and I’ll miss her.. the neighbors were having an outdoor party while we were working outside. i am sure they thought we were quite…different….. but it is what B – my wife – wanted for her day. So we worked and got things done… glad you got things done, too. Have a great week….

    1. that photo has always been a favorite of mine…. he has always been that way – he was born with those eyes and still has them today – he is amazingly observant and sees things other kids don’t, makes connections other kids can’t see. B remembers the nurses telling her how he was looking around in the hospital when he was born.. and when he was two months old he discovered ceiling fans in a restaurant and wouldn’t eat…he was so interested in the fans.. this weekend we had great weather, too, until about 4 o’clock – since then it has been rainy, but we need the rain.. those eyes are where we get our strength. Your kids have ’em, too, Have a great week. thanks for stopping by..

  3. Strange for we Brits that yesterday was your Mother’s Day. Our Mothering Sunday (traditional name for the day) is always the 4th Sunday in Lent. It was the occasion when serving girls and youths got a rare day off to go home and visit their families. They’d, with any luck, be taking with them a simnel cake, the fruit cake we now eat at Easter. I’m glad your family had a wonderful day!

    Yes, I love the new blog layout too.

    1. Thanks – i needed something to break out of a funk and my old theme had a clunk in it and I couldn’t figure how to fix it so, it went in to the trash can. We waited an hour for a table at ten in the morning… but we had a good breakfast and an even better day. Have a great week.. make it count and give your mom a BIG HUG!

Thanks for visiting MtDC. How are YOU Making YOUR Days Count?