Weekly Photo Challenge: Room

up north, June 2010
up north, June 2010

There is always room. Whether it’s a home, shelter, or an eave. There is room.

“After all, what’s a life, anyway? We’re born, we live a little while, we die.” 
― E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web

I am Up North for a couple of days. Jobs that needed to be done. I wanted to come up in May and couldn’t. Last weekend, fell through with much to do and too little time. Next weekend is filled, and the weekend after that… well, you get the picture. Room has more than one meaning.

Today’s post is in response to the prompt at the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge at Word Press.  ‘This week’s prompt is “Room.”  From the four walls that currently surround you to the infinite potential of space, this week we’d like you to show us your take on room, rooms, or a room.’

I have four walls; but others like the dear spider use two walls and imagines the other two. We are all constrained by nature and defined by it as well. There’s always room. I think Charlotte said it best….”what’s a life anyway…” It’s what is in between those two events that is important. It’s the way we leave our mark. It’s our service to our family, friends, and community. It’s how we leave our room.

I came up to work, not blog and I have a list a mile long, maybe even longer. School finished for my students yesterday and I could hear Alice Cooper wailing away in the background. I don’t have papers to grade, but I have chores to do and I have room on my schedule. Making the Days Count, one day at a time.

What’s in your room?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

11 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Room

  1. Happy summer! Is it disorienting to be suddenly free of papers to grade? My room has blank walls and big windows, and doubles as a yoga practice and music practice room. I guess that means it triples, not doubles. My favorite place in the house. Rolling desk chair allows me to scoot around if I’m too lazy to stand up. Kidding. Enjoy your stay up north.

    1. It was a short trip, busy but restful. Today was my first morning to sleep in and I did – all the way to 7:45…. there’s activity in the kitchen as my youngest prepares for her last day of school – last day of elementary for her…it’s always disorienting when there are transitions – a shift in life – between jobs or between school and summer. I work at not letting the time slip away, because it is easy for it to happen when you don;t really have a schedule. Thanks for stopping by, have a great week!

    1. I understand spiders don’t bother me, but B and O are freaked by them. I remember my third grade teacher reading Charlotte’s Web to the class.. I love the story, too. I wasn’t sure what would be in my photo for the challenge this week…. thank you for introducing the challenge to me. It has invigorated my thinking and given me a new way to express Making the Days Count. Have a great week!

    1. how marvelous.. it’s been a while since I slept out of doors in a tent; it was my last scout camp in the summer of 2012. Since then life has gotten busy, I need to slow down and smell the flowers and appreciate the sunsets… thanks have a wonderful week.

    1. I am glad to be up north… there are few folks up this week and the lake is quiet. The across the lane neighbor is here with his son and they are doing their thing and I am doing mine… I am heading back later today after a few (thousand) chores and maybe a blog post… thanks.. I am looking to add headers as I come across them… have great week!

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