Afloat – Weekly Photo Challenge

I have been trying to stay afloat all year. This year’s trek began almost a year ago when I learned about my move to science from English Language Arts. There have been days when I have felt like a turtle with its nose just barely above the surface gasping for air. Then, there are the days, like yesterday when I felt I was floating in the air; and the day before when I could have been tumbling through air.

the sun sets through the trees – soon, leaves will appear – spring is here

Change is never easy, especially when it is not of your choice, and as the school year winds down, I look back and reflect on the successes of the past year as well as the many opportunities for the coming year. At present, I do not know next year’s teaching assignment, so change could be in the air or not, I just don’t know. However, what I do know is that the coming year will be full of chances to teach my students life lessons, regardless of the content area. I teach kids, that’s what I do. I’ll focus on what I know and what I can do for now and float.

When I came home last night, the air was crisp cool and clear and I wanted to walk. Thursday’s storm had rolled through the Midwest and wrought havoc to our west-northwest – about 50 miles away, but our town just got rain, wind, thunder, and lightning.

I wanted to walk and clear my head. Spring is in the air. The grass has noticeably greened, daffodil shoots and other perennials are poking their heads above ground, and Earth is slowly being reborn – an annual Renaissance of sorts. Also, wanted to check out the daffodil glade at the Morton Arboretum. We take a family photo there every year and I wanted to see how far along the daffodils were. There were some daffodils in bloom, but most are a week away. The ground was very damp and the rain we got Thursday eroded parts paths and had pooled in low spots. But, most of all, I simply wanted to walk and take in the world surrounding me.

the daffodils awaken and bring me back to the surface - afloat
the daffodils awaken and bring me back to the surface – afloat

It was a great evening for a walk and we – O had come with me and brought a friend – saw evidence of nature’s annual rebirth. Green among brown leaves, woodland flowers blooming, buds on trees, and clumps of daffodils blooming and proclaiming Earth’s awakening after a long winter sleep. It was enough to keep me afloat for another day, another week.

That was last night and I awakened this morning to frosty rooftops and a beautiful sunrise feeling rested and ready for another day and another week. Afloat. I have big plans for the day – gardening, grading, planning, and family. It’s going to be a great day – I am awake and afloat. Making the Days Count, one day at a time.

What keeps you afloat?

Today’s post is in response to the Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge – Afloat – prompt – at Word Press. How do you interpret the word afloat? It could be the expression on your son’s face as he jumps on the bed. Maybe it’s your daughter’s triumphant smile after tossing training wheels to master her two-wheeler. It could be a beautiful cloud formation, pollen on the breeze, or an errant birthday party balloon making its escape into the sky. So looking forward to seeing what afloat means to you.


About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

10 thoughts on “Afloat – Weekly Photo Challenge

  1. Seems like spring is as unpredictable in your part of the world as here. We have 20C one day and snow the next:) We did a hike over the weekend and I was happy to see small signs of spring in the mountains as well. Lovely spring photos you have shared with us! 🙂

    1. Just being outside was a life preserver of sorts…. after a day of teaching and the crazy day we had with storms the day before (thunderstorms and tornadoes) it was good to get out and survey the landscape. I love photos where the sun streams through the trees, especially in the evening. There is a different quality to the light that adds to the peacefulness. My week is already off to a great start – wishing you a wonderful week, too.

  2. Clay, in the short time I have known you, I have come to admire your love of children. Assignments in our teaching career are at the mercy of “building needs”, however, no matter the challenge that is placed before you rise to the occasion. The students in your care are blessed to have teaching them.

    1. Moira, thank you for your kind words. Teaching kids is best part of what we do…. I’ve enjoyed teaching science and as the year as worn on, I’ve gotten better, much better, and my confidence has grown. I don’t know what the future holds except that it includes teaching kids and continuing to help them grow and see the world from another point of view. Thank you. I am looking forward to having some of your kids my room next year and continuing what you started. Enjoy your day and have a wonderful week.

  3. I especially love that top photo, Clay. That one, to me, because of the angle, makes me feel afloat. Like I am floating up towards the sky. It’s lovely. Today has been sunny and more springlike – at last.

    Enjoy what’s left of today and may you keep afloat throughout the week.

    1. Yesterday was a great day, I came in exhausted after cleaning up the beds and gardens around the house. This morning when I peered out into the yard the daffodils and other perennials seemed to have doubled in size. It is wonderful to watch Earth spring back to life, I can too. Thanks for stopping by – enjoy your week, too.

  4. I agree. There’s nothing like a walk in the fresh air, whatever the weather, to both ‘ground’ you and keep you afloat at the same time. Today the wind tugged unmercifully at us, but with spring lambs and daffodils to cheer us on, we came back fully charged for the next round of ‘Must do-s’

    1. It was great to get out and clear my head… the weather has been lovely the past several days and we ate outside last night – first time for the season. I hope to get a few more walks in before the season is over… I think we’ll be able to get our photos this weekend! Have a wonderful week.

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