Curve – a photo challenge

this morning's lily curving and reaching for the sun
this morning’s lily curving and reaching for the sun

Another Saturday morning and I am enjoying my summer office. If it weren’t for the lawn crew next door, I’d be able to hear birds chirping, the splashes of birds in the bird bath, or the wind gently rustling the trees around me. Ivy is at my feet and we are both enjoying our summer morning. My lawn crew is upstairs, still sleeping or at the keyboard writing.

“There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature, therefore buildings must have no sharp corners or straight lines.” Antoni Gaudi

Many summers ago we carved a stone path from the front yard through to the backyard. I remember B reminding me of Gaudi’s mantra. That summer I hauled several tons of limestone gravel and New York bluestone and I spent many days kneeling and fitting the stones together. There are no straight lines. What lines there are were created in nature some are curved and some are jagged, but between the lines weeds grow and flourish.

Since, the backyard garden has grown in around the path and I can’t remember what the backyard looked like before the of our work was complete. We’ve added plants, removed a couple trees and added Ivy, my faithful companion, and the path remains.

This morning I was enjoying the summer morning reading on the deck and my mind drifted back to that summer many years ago.

Last week, B was directing the work in the garden – weeding, planting, and adding mulch to the perennial beds. B’s peonies have bloomed and last week I noticed the lilies were almost ready to bloom, this morning the lily blooms are open curving yearning for sunlight. After the lilies, there are coneflowers and Black-eyed Susan’s.

Last week, I was able to get part of the path weeded and cleaned up. It’s an annual chore. Today, I’ll be on my knees again, finishing the job. Today is gonna be a great day. I know it and I can feel it, so I’d better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the days Count, one day at a time, pulling weeds from the path, taking curves as they come, because there are no straight lines in nature.

What is your mantra for the day?

Today’s post is inspired by last week’s WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Curve. For this week’s challenge, get inspired by the curves around you. From curves in architecture to bends in nature to man-made undulations, you have lots to work with!

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

10 thoughts on “Curve – a photo challenge

    1. Thank you, I enjoy spending summer mornings and evenings on the deck. It is peaceful and quiet, except for Saturday mornings when the neighbor’s lawn crew is working. It’s a slice of peace and tranquility. Enjoy your week – Peace.

  1. WOW! I’m so impressed by the walkway! I’ve been working up a new garden plot with the tonnage of old railroad ties, so I appreciate the effort. We also have cones and orange iris, and the English ivy was here before we arrived so it is well-rooted and even I can’t kill it (not that I want to). LOVE the thought, get inspired by the curves around me. Profound.

    1. thank you – finished the weeding and trimming and my son saw it when he came home from work and said ‘WOW, dad, looks great!’ As for the garden, I am the strong back in the operation, my wife is the brains behind it all. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the week ahead.

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