Monday morning awakening

It’s cool this morning outside on the deck. The sun is slowly creeping across the yard toward my ‘office,’ the birds are singing, and the wind is gently rustling the leaves above me. It’s quiet and peaceful outside.

Ivy rests at my feet, always with eye open, always
Ivy rests at my feet, always with eye open, always

W's location Monday morning - the crew will be kayaking room island to island until Friday.Yesterday morning, W took off on an adventure of a lifetime – kayaking the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior with his Boy Scout Troop. Saturday night was a late one for all of us packing and final details for his kayaking trip after dropping him off and waving goodbye, we went home and back to sleep.

I felt mildly guilty waking when I did, but feeling much more refreshed than I would have been had I stayed awake. We spent the afternoon talking, planning, and laundry – doing, folding, and putting away. B wanted to get outside to her garden and I suggested we wait until the evening, when it was cooler.

It was much cooler and the beds where we were working were shaded. Ivy joined us but spent most of her time scanning for bunnies and squirrels. B needed me to help plant and spread mulch, but it was a wonderful way to decompress from a busy hectic weekend and plan for the week ahead. I am not usually a good gardening partner, but I can tell a weed from a plant – most of the time – and I am quite handy with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. I am the strong back in the operation and B’s the strong mind. It’s a good partnership.

As we were finishing, I looked back towards the other side of the yard – the area where I had worked the previous weekend and I noticed the daylilies seemingly ablaze in the late evening light. Then, later as the light faded and darkness overtook the garden the fireflies began flitting and lighting their trails. We packed up and headed inside for the night. More work awaits Monday afternoon in the garden and beds, planting and weeding, and just being outside.

It was wonderful evening and I was asleep before I knew it. Ivy is outside with me she was sleeping, but know she is sitting and keeping a watchful eye on the garden. More gardening, more laundry, more planning, and more time. It is going to be great day, W pushes off sometime this morning and B, O, and Ivy will be heading north to the lake sometime later today as well. I am home until Friday morning then I am headed north, first to Camp Tesomas in northern Wisconsin, then the lake in Michigan. I can hardly wait.

Today is gonna be great day and tomorrow could possibly be a million and six times better but in the meantime, I had better jump up, jump in, and seize the day. Making the days Count, one day at a time, one emerging flower at a time.

What’s flowering around you?

About Clay

I've been a blogger since 2010 and I keep at it because of the community of readers I have come to know. Every day is a possibility and I intend to make every day count.

10 thoughts on “Monday morning awakening

      1. Amazing! While watching the fireworks last night I could see Saturn, Mars, and Antares as bright dots in the southwestern sky. When we got home, I looked up and could see more stars at 11PM than I see all night long at home. I an working on learning how to take photos of the night sky, nothing yet.

  1. Beautiful garden.

    I LOVE fireflies. I was so excited when I spotted some in my yard not too long after we moved to Mississippi. I’d hoped we’d have some and – we do! There are no fireflies in California so I find them exciting to watch.

    Have a great week, Clay!

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

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